Escargot. (French Inspired)

I love Escargots. I love butter. Combine the two and it’s a pair made in heaven. I had the chance to indulge in these yummy morsels in Paris and they were the best ones ever. The size of these escargots was not a joke. Yes, in this case size does matters.  

So, when I saw these (although not the same ones as in Paris) at a local market, it was a given what fate had instored.

Like the ones in Paris, these too were ginormous. 

Slather the openings with a generous portion of an herb butter concoction (should be made at room temp, allow to harden in fridge until ready to use). Cilantro was used instead of parsley b/c I had none at hand.  Adding too much shallots may make it bitter.

Bake in oven at 325 for about 10-15 mins or until butter starts to melt and sizzle. Over baking will cause the snails to be hard and chewy.

Enjoy them w/ some homemade croutons. Such simple delicacy! 

Give them a try and let me know what ya think!

Till next post, Kellie.

8 thoughts on “Escargot. (French Inspired)

  1. Oh, this is a sin! So tempting too!!! My mouth is watering already just looking at this beautify pictures. The top French ones you must have had were “Escargot de Bourgogne”.
    Bourgogne is a region of France, and yes they are huge!! They are usually bathing in garlic and parsley butter, that’s the nicest way to have them!!
    I know it is definitely a sin!

    Thanks for dropping by my blog. I love what I find here!


  2. Wow! I’m impressed. I’ve never tried or made escargot; it’s one of those things that will never be on my “to do” list as for long-drawn out reasons involving running and sidewalks.

    I’m even more surprised you found them for sale. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them except on restaurant menus.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!


  3. Wow I have never tried to make escargots but I got to taste them for the first time last year~ Probably tasted more garlic butter than the actual snail hehe 🙂


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