Inspirational Quotes by the Buddha

Don’t we all need some inspirational quotes to live by every now & then? Here are a few that I can totally relate to by Buddha. 

Pictures taken at my sis’s NYC condo (window sill). It was raining that morning. I love the look of the natural light and the peaceful feel that the images depict. 

Have a great Monday! 

‘Til next post, Kellie. 

12 thoughts on “Inspirational Quotes by the Buddha

  1. Hi, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog and am nominating you for the One Lovely Blog Award :).


  2. There’s something quite provocative about the juxtoposition of the Buddha with rhinestones and Louis Vitton. Your photography is mind-blowing. Do you really use a Canon S90, primarily? Must be a killer editor – I use the same camera and my pics don’t hold a candle to yours.


  3. Awesome pictures, what font / writing type did you use for the pictures? I love the lettering, its gorgeous.. Btw, the bracelet is pretty damn cool… I want! XD


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