Creating Your Own Color Scheme

Ever have a hard time deciding what color scheme to use for the nursery or that boring space which desperately needs a makeover? Well, look no further than what you already have around the house! 

I created three different colors schemes from an arrangement that’s currently in my room. You can use your favorite things and pull a collection of colors from them.

The inspiration. 

Color scheme #1: inspired by pink hydrangeas and the leaves. 

Color scheme #2: inspired by the leaves and pearls. 

Color scheme #3: inspired by hydrangeas and tiffany & co. 

Have fun creating an unlimited possibilities of color schemes from ordinary objects around your house!

‘Til next post, Kellie

19 thoughts on “Creating Your Own Color Scheme

  1. This is definitely an idea I will remember. I always have a hard time picking paint colors for a room, even though I have no problem at all picking colors for a painting!


  2. Reblogged this on and commented:
    Have you ever used Chip It by Sherwin Williams? I’ve played around with it using rooms in my home, but I think using inspiration photos is a great idea for helping you choose the right color. Just look at how Le Zoe of Le Zoe Musings created a few different options taking inspiration from her surroundings. I’m not sure if she used Chip It! or not, but good to know that it is a resource. Don’t cha think?


  3. I love the fresh, clean, layout of your chic blog. I’m going to follow suit behind some of the other commenters and reblog your post on choosing color.


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