Cowhide Rugs

Once again the weather is gloomy. This time, however, I don’t mind it too much. I actually enjoy days like these when I can sit by my bedroom window, blog, enjoy a cup of Vietnamese coffee, and listen to baby’s lullabies (Harrys Cupboard– this piano music is sooo relaxing, you must listen to it!) while Zoey takes her afternoon nap. This is probably one of those moments during the day when I feel most inspired. At this second, I am completely inspired by cowhide rugs. More specifically, the natural toned/ white ones.

Below’s a roundup from my Pinterest board, Abode. Click on image for source.

white cowhideLOVE. LOVE this all white look. I’m truly madly deeply in love with an all white interior…but you probably already know that by now! There’s something so serene, pure, and tranquil about it. Ah!! It’s like you can breathe better…

white cowhide1white cowhide2white cowhide3white cowhide4white cowhide5Diggin’ the combo of the white cowhide rug w/ a lucite coffee table.

white-cowhide-rug-7It’s amazing all the choices that these Cowhide rugs come in. Below is a natural tone one with gold foil!

metallic-cowhide-area-rugWant something more funky? Here are Zebra patterned ones:

zebra cowhidezebra cowhide2How FAB does this Zebra rug look in the dressing room?!

zebra cowhide3

zebra cowhide4zebra cowhide5rugusaAnd if you are not into the real deal or just want an inexpensive alternative, here’s a Polyproplene one from Overstock for just under 80 bucks!

And here are the more common brown ones:

brown cowhideLoving this coffee table. Maybe it’s b/c I have one…

brown cowhide2brown cowhide3If you already like Ikea, you are going to LOVE them for carrying Koldby cowhides for an affordable $199 (well…compare to all the other prices!).

ikea koldby cowhideKoldby Cowhides also comes in White and Black. Don’t you love a deal?

So what’s your verdict on the cowhide rugs? Would you want one for your living space? Please share!

For me, a white one is a MUST-HAVE for my new house (whenever that is…) although it’s so not baby-friendly. Imagine all the spills…

Happy Wednesday!

Btw, like what you see? Follow me on Pinterest for more inspirations.

16 thoughts on “Cowhide Rugs

    1. Hi-

      I know exactly what you mean!! It’s scary and intimidating especially when you have kids but I’m sure that there are people out there who’ve conquered the impossible! And if you don’t have little ones, you just go for it!


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