Pale Nails

Have any of you tried gel manicures? Aren’t they almost the best thing invented since Popeyes? Like many of you, my nail polish NEVER EVER last for more than 2-3 days before it starts chipping. This post stems from my mild love with Gelish’s You’re So Sweet, You’re Giving Me A Toothache (sounds like an extremely corny pick up line which might work if the guy’s REALLY cute!) from the Candy Land Collection.

I was first introduced to this gel color while in Miami last month and instantly fell in love w/ the pale pink color. OPI’s Shellac, Romantique, comes close in color although it’s a bit more whitish. And for me, I prefer Gelish b/c I’ve noticed that my nails stay chip free longer.

Anyhow, I was craving You’re So Sweet, You’re Giving Me A Toothache so I recreated the color using 2  of my favorite Essie colors. I have to say, it turned out pretty darn close!

A few nights ago, while the hubby and baby fell asleep, I gave myself a paint job. This is usually when I do my nails, extremely late at night when there’s no distraction. Imagine having to calm a baby while your nails are wet! And I ALWAYS use a speedy quick dry top coat just in case Ms. Zoey wakes up and demand mommy’s attention, immediately.

While FIJI is a GREAT color, it’s a challenge to apply b/c the consistency is very chalky and can be streaky. The first coat will make you wanna give up strutting this color b/c it’s streaky galore. Hold your horses ladies, the second coat comes on A LOT smoother. After the second coat of FIJI, I applied a third coat of Mademoiselle which is really sheer and thin. This helps smooth out and tone down the harsh chalky look of FIJI.

If you are a Chanel user, Ballerina is a good option although it’s creamier and more sheer than FIJI. All of which are great light nail color options for the upcoming summer days or for the bride to be. 

Go get nailed.

‘Til next post, Kellie.

36 thoughts on “Pale Nails

  1. I ❤ that color! But it wouldn't last me a day. My nails chip really fast. If you have recommendations for us triathletes, I'd love to hear it.


  2. my current lifestyle makes painting my nails only something to do when necessary, but when I do I love the pale nail idea! less is more most definitely…


  3. Beautiful color! I’ve never tried gel before..I will have to do that. Right now my nails are a deeper, magenta pink but they are chipping again. sigh. I will have to look for that color. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!


  4. Just be careful how much gel manicure you get. I read that the no of cases of cancer do to the uv rays had increased due to this manicure. I guess everything in moderation.


  5. Never tried gel nails….hmmm….I will be in Miami in August, will have to try then! I love Chanel Ballerina, but can’t seem to find it anymore? Sniff sniff.


    1. Hi- I think you need to soak them for a few mins in acetone/ nail polish remover. Then they kinda melt off and you can use like a cuticle pusher to gently scrape off the layers. I Know, it’s def. more work but so worth having it last for over a week w/o chipping! Have a great day. Best, Kellie


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