Meet Cynthia

Meet Cynthia. Cynthia has been a part of our family for as long as I can remember. To us, she is another sister. A sweet, smart, and sexy addition to our family! When I proposed to do a photo shoot of her, she was game. The session was fun as I knew exactly what I wanted and she executed it perfectly. 

Loving her style! 

To me, a pair of shoes can make or break an outfit! 

Super envious of her long and thick locks!

You know how I feel about accessories…can’t live w/o ’em. 

This nail color rocks. 

What to do w/o cell phones nowadays?!!

I ADORE this color combo.

Are you a fan of jeggings? 

It was easy to shoot someone who is naturally beautiful and has a great sense of style! 

11 thoughts on “Meet Cynthia

  1. Hi, I have nominated you for the Inspiring Blogger Award because I think you deserve a little something for making your blog always look fab! To share this little bit of blogging kindness: 1. Display the award image on your blog. 2. Link back to the person who nominated you. 3. State 7 things about yourself. 4. Nominate 15 other bloggers and link to their sites. 5. Notify the bloggers that they have been nominated and link to the post. Thank you for all your great posts and congratulations!


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