
We all know that I’m pretty much an accessory fanatic. If you take a glimpse into my dressing room, you’d think that I own a little jewelry boutique. Right before heading down south for my sister’s wedding, I was gifted a set of gorgeous custom handmade bracelets. 


The super talented crafter behind JuneBug Designs is Dawn Grady. Dawn’s philosophy is simple- create unique, high quality, and stylish pieces that can stand the test of time. 

maxi2These beauties traveled with me and were such perfect additions to my maxi dress ensemble. 


Because I am totally into mint and gold right now, I’ve asked Dawn to create my bracelets using that color combo. She totally nailed it!


My favorite part of the bracelets are the gold clasps. They are not bulky, noninvasive, and are as pretty as all the jewels. 

maxiWeather in Florida was pretty much perfect. Can’t wait until Boston catches up…we are looking forward to taking Zoey to the Cape and Martha’s Vineyard this summer!

maxi3And because they were custom-made, they fit me just perfectly! This is hard to come by since my wrist is pretty tiny. 



Zoey was soo obsessed with the water!

JUNEBUG5And of course my precious Z has to make her presence known! In the middle of shooting, I had some MAJOR distractions. Zoey couldn’t get her hands off of them. What’s a mommy to do?!

This bracelets make great gifts for all the lovely ladies in your life. To visit JuneBug’s Etsy shop, click on any image or click here


                         “THANKS!” Dawn for such beautiful pieces!!


9 thoughts on “BeJeweled

  1. They are very lovely bracelets — I, too, love the mint/aqua colors (my favorite color, actually), and your photographs of them are absolutely fabulous! Looks like you and Zoey had a wonderful day!


  2. Hello,
    Thank you for visiting my blog and choosing to follow me. I love this post! Your blog is very nice and eclectic. I signed up to follow your blog.

    The jewelry in this post are lovely. Any woman would feel beautiful while wearing them.
    Ta Ta for now, Cathy the Bagg Lady


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