Zoey At 25 Mths

Good morning!

The hubs is currently on a business trip so yesterday mommy and me had some precious ‘alone time’. I had grande plans to put Zoey to bed early (7pm) so I can have the rest of the night all by myself. My plan backfired as I eventually fell asleep with her!

I simply don’t have the energy that I used to. I guess taking care of a toddler (solo) while being too pregnant to see my toes is already too much to handle. What was I thinking? Staying up late and enjoying the night? Ain’t happening! And by ‘late’, I mean bedtime by 10pm.

From the time I pick Zoey up ’til her bedtime, it’s really a marathon. The routine: cook dinner, feed the child, bathe her, drawing time, read her favorite bedtime books, and lay with her UNTIL she falls asleep. Talk about exhaustion!

It’s so much better having the husband’s help. We’ll split the duties and sometimes he would do it all so I can rest. I miss him!

Here’s the precious one a few weeks ago during our annual foliage trip:

z3Zoey’s current obsessions include playing w/ autumn leaves, hello kitty, elmo, and of course messing w/ mommy’s makeup.

z4zz2Have a wonderful Friday! Time to get ready for work …

6 thoughts on “Zoey At 25 Mths

  1. I canNOT believe how she’s such a young lady!! I do remember those days of chasing/keeping up with one while pregnant with a 2nd. Gone were those “catch-up” moments while #1 was napping!!! I took a break, too!!!!! Hugs to you……


  2. Understood friend. It is a marathon– and so much better with the husband’s help. Loved the pic of the closeup of Zoey’s chest/hello kitty/ autumn leaf. Gorgeous.


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