A Little Holiday Video

Merry X-Mas everyone!

We had the best time last night. Our family gatherings has gotten a bit OFC (out of control). Lots of food, crazy laughter, and love.

The sweetest part of the night was when everyone gathered around to watch Zoey open all her gifts from her loving aunts and uncles. It was such a tender moment. I don’t believe that Zoey quite understood what the occasion was or why she had so many boxes to open. Nonetheless, she surely had a great time!

It started off with Zoey collecting her gifts and setting them on a table…

Zoey2And here’s a short & sweet holiday video featuring our first major snowfall, festive gas lampposts in our neighborhood, our first X-Mas tree since moving into our new abode, and of course Ms. Zoey (now 28 mths) enjoying the holidays!

If you are a Vimeo’s fan, click below to see the video on Vimeo.

zoey3She’ll definitely need these earmuffs when we head back to Boston!

Have a safe and happy holiday.

5 thoughts on “A Little Holiday Video

  1. Hi Kellie…

    Belated wishes for X-Mas… Zoey is looking really cute.. a lil angel… shez amazing… loved the video 😀 it was gr8.. may god bless u n ur family with loads of happiness, health and success 🙂 take care


  2. As I sit here and follow your everyday living it is so inspirational and heart warming. I am so glad you are a GREAT and AHHMAZING blogger! Love the stories, the authenticity, and the LOVE that showers all of everything you do. You are one of my role model from afar! XOXO, the little girl who always looked up to you even until today!


  3. Your “abode” is lovely and so “you”! Loved the video……a live card for sure!!!! Christmas blessings to you and all your family and a Joy-filled New Year!!! Hugs from our snowy Christmas card-like country home………..


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