Zoey, Through My Lens

I’ve never had any formal training in photography. In fact, my studies have been very far from it. I hold Bachelor degrees in Anatomy and Business and a Doctorate in Chiropractic. I am, however, a creative at heart. This, I’ve known since I was itsy bitsy. I’ve sewn my own dresses when I was about 10 years old and worn them to weddings. Thank goodness there are no known pictures of them out there because they can’t be anything but horrendous. Imagine this, a black & white houndstooth pattern fabric made into a skin tight (as possible) knee length with 3/4 sleeve dress. Skin tight? As if at 10 years old, I had any lady-worthy bumps.

When I started Le Zoe Musings, the goal was to share all things creative. How else to share visually with the world but through photography? So like anything else creative-related, I’ve self taught- sewing, working with Adobe Suite, photography, etc. Naturally, I gravitated toward a Creative Producer role at an online beauty company, Gloss48. Isn’t that how the Universe and its energy work? What you attract, comes to you. I’d like to think of myself as a multifaceted, Jane of All Trades kind of human.

Through LZM, I’ve also chronicled Zoey’s growth and milestones. This to me, is  a huge bonus. After all, Zoey was the reason behind the inception (and name) of Le Zoe Musings. I took a break from the working world when I had her. It was very overwhelming to be a stay-at-home mom at the time and LZM was my creative outlet. I needed a break from mommyhood and all of its demanding duties.

Zoey’s first steps, kisses, solid-eating adventures, separation anxiety issues were all documented on this blog one form or another. She’s grown into a gorgeous, caring, wise, affectionate tiny lady.  She’s taught me how to be patient of all things. Every time she spills a drink, I would freak out (each spill cries for a separate freak out session). She’ll say “Mommy, it’s OK, it’s just a little spill mommy.” Although it’s not just a little spill, she’s right…it’s OK!

Here she is a few months ago hanging out in her aunt’s office. Just minding her own bidness while I capture her being a busy little bee…

Zoey of Le Zoe MusingsZoey (2) of Le Zoe Musings

And when she’s had enough of me stalking her, this is the expression she gives.

Zoey (3) of Le  Zoe Musings

Have a wonderful weekend!


31 thoughts on “Zoey, Through My Lens

  1. Thank you for liking My First Request: Pumpkin Soup. I love your blog cause we are so much the same in sharing this daily life of motherhood and the blog world! I will have to follow to see how your daily ride is. 🙂


  2. Self teaching is one of the best ways because it is all new and fun your own rules your own ideas no conforming I always feel gives better original results ps your little daughter is adorable 🙂


  3. Hi Kellie, thank you so much for the recent like on my blog! Just wanted to let you know that my blog is actually not on WordPress.com anymore, so the only way to access the proper site is to go to http://www.thehighstreetdaily.com or check my Instagram 🙂 it was posted here by mistake and showed in the WordPress feed. Hope you enjoy it when you get a chance 🙂


  4. I found you when you stopped by my very new blog. Thanks – you are an inspiration.
    How great that you can capture your children’s beauty with your talent!


  5. I am so impressed with your education and achievements. I didn’t get my BSIT until I was 46 and it was the hardest thing because my full time job and 4 year old daughter. I would love to at least have a Masters, but too late now! Need to save for her education now!

    As with you, my kid is my priority! She is lucky to have such an atentative stalker, xoxo


  6. Zoey is lucky to have a mother as attentive, creative and intelligent as you. You remind me of my own mother who is utterly wonderful and who stalked me with cameras (and also sketch books and watercolours) until I too made that enough-is-enough face! Trust me, she’ll appreciate it later 🙂


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