Red, White, and Blue Popsicles

As mentioned in yesterday’s post, we took the kids to a strawberry farm (post HERE). There are now way too many strawberries in our fridge!! What to do with the strawberry overload? Welp, Zoey and I made Red, White, and Blue Popsicles with them. Just in time for Independence Day.

July 4th Popsicles by Le Zoe Musings1

I’m so obsessed with making popsicles now because not only are they easy but I can make them fairly healthy so I have no guilt serving them to the kids. Plus, when you only use pure ingredients, you can see and taste the difference.

Here’s the scoop. First, I muddle the berries separately with some raw sugar. The sugar helps break down the berries and release their juices. This creates sort of a ‘jam’. Don’t muddle too much, you still want chunks of the berries in there. Next, layer the popsicle molds in this order: muddled strawberries, yogurt, muddled blueberries. Feel free to use your yogurt of choice. I used Chobani Greek Yogurt in Vanilla. And there you have it! Gorgeous looking popsicles for July 4th!!

July 4th Popsicles by Le Zoe Musings

Since we made these during dinnertime last night, the kids haven’t had them yet. Zoey will definitely remind me after school today that these popsicles are waiting for her!

July 4th Popsicles by Le Zoe Musings3

Don’t have any yummy treats to serve for July 4th? Whip these up in literally minutes.

Happy Monday!

Kellie of Le Zoe Musings_Signature bw2

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