Cherry Banana Smoothie Bowl

This morning felt different. It was refreshing and so cozy. Snuggling under the blanket with the kiddos was ideal. At sixty something degrees, it was a nice change from the exhausting heat. With a refreshing morning, there has to be a matching refreshing breakfast.

My cherry banana smoothie bowl fits the bill, perfectly.

Cherry Banana Smoothie Bowl by Le Zoe Musings

If you are craving for a healthy, yummy, and beautiful summer breakfast; this is the one! A smoothie bowl can be as simple or complex as your imagination. It’ll give you the energy to start your day not to mention it’s as healthy as can be.

Cherry Banana Smoothie Bowl by Le Zoe Musings2

Here’s my recipe: blend 1 cup of Chobani cherry yogurt, a handful of pitted fresh cherries, 1 frozen banana, and 1/2 cup of soy milk. Pour smoothie into a bowl. Top with Kellogg’s granola, fresh cherries (pitted & halved) , and any other fresh fruits on hand. I added chunks of cantaloupe.

Cherry Banana Smoothie Bowl by Le Zoe Musings3

This is a must try…

Have a fabulous day and Happy Thursday!

Kellie Van signature Le Zoe Musings

9 thoughts on “Cherry Banana Smoothie Bowl

  1. I’ve not thought about using cherries in a smoothie, but since I have one almost every day it’s always good to have a new idea.


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