Happiest New Year!

Can’t believe 2016 is here! There are so much to be thankful for as the years go by. I’ve learned to realized that despite all of the achievements that we are constantly chasing after; the most important things in life are already there.

I’m so thankful for my family, their good health and happiness.

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Our family holiday card- “Wishing you health, happiness and love.”

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Daddy and Axel.

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Mommy and Zoey.

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The back of our holiday card- “Be Happy. Be Blessed. Be You.” 

This year, I resolve to building a lot more memories with the family and making each day a fun one for the kiddos whether we cuddle up in bed for a movie, bake cookies on the weekends, or take field trips into the city. And as always, I also resolve to declutter my physical space and mind.

Hoping everyone a Happiest New Year ever! Thanks for stopping by and having Le Zoe Musings as your daily source of escape.

Kellie Van signature Le Zoe Musings4


8 thoughts on “Happiest New Year!

  1. “despite all of the achievements that we are constantly chasing after; the most important things in life are already there.” Beautifully said, Happy New Year to you and your gorgeous family x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Kelli. Just wanted to say how much I love your blog be it on renovations, food, fashion, or your family. You have a wonderful family. All the best to you in the New Year.

    Liked by 1 person

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