DIY Easter Bunny Eggs

I’ll find any excuse to be crafty with the kiddos and Easter is no exception! This is the best part about being a mom- you get to live like a kid again and again and again. Every single experience is better when it is spent with the kids because they allow you to see life through a completely different perspective. Everything is innocent, happy and… worth crying about! Ok, it’s not always rainbows and unicorns but 99% of it is!

We are starting to chatter about Easter and of course this means decorating eggs. Zoey and I made the cutest (I mean CUTEST) Easter Bunny Eggs. You won’t believe how incredibly easy it was!

DIY Easter Bunny Eggs by Le Zoe Musings4

We made them out of Easter bunny napkins. Yep, you read that right.

DIY Easter Bunny Eggs by Le Zoe Musings3

In addition, we also made blush pink eggs. But that’s way simple- just add a few drops of red food color into a big bowl of water, let the hard boiled eggs soak up the color for about an hour or so. Pat dry, then voila!

DIY Easter Bunny Eggs by Le Zoe Musings6

Back to the adorable Easter bunny egss, all you’ll need are: white hard boiled eggs, egg whites and Easter bunny napkins.

Easter Bunny Eggs Pictorial by Le Zoe Musings

The egg whites act as glue. We used our fingers to dab the egg whites on top of the bunny cutouts but if you prefer to be civilized, use a little paint brush.

DIY Easter Bunny Eggs by Le Zoe Musings5

You can do this with type of egg decorating with any kinds of decorated napkins. Flower ones would be perfect for Spring. Enjoy this crafty sess with your munchkins!

Have a wonderful Thursday!

Kellie Van signature Le Zoe Musings

15 thoughts on “DIY Easter Bunny Eggs

  1. Such a cute idea, although if I had a go, they probably wouldn’t look quite as fancy haha! Thanks for sharing 🙂 xx


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