Hands Full

The struggle is real. There is a challenge balancing the many duties that we have as women at home & in the corporate world. For me, juggling both mommyhood & work although feels tough and impossible at times— makes me whole. I don’t feel complete without both. They feed off one another. Imagine dealing with a tantrum toddler 24/7 without getting a break of going into the office. Or the other way around— having the pressure to produce creative web assets at the eleventh hour without having cuddles to come home to. A stressful day a work makes me look forward to the sanctuary and love waiting at home. Every night, my two littles greet me screaming “mommy’s home!”.



Time is a rare commodity when there’s so much going on with life. As a modern city mom, I wake up way earlier than I would like to on the weekends and am so deprived of a bubble bath! This is where doing what you love really matters. Don’t waste your time and energy on anything that you’re not that excited about. You and your precious time deserve better. If I didn’t love my job as much as I did— it would not be worth it for me. Be choosy and realize where you need help.

I recently committed to housekeeping twice a month and it’s worth every penny. At one point, I felt like my entire weekend consisted of me being a house slave and all I did was trying to catch up on cleaning and laundry. Quality time spent with the kids and taking them on weekend adventures suffered. My time is better spent creating memories with the littles and giving them all of my attention. This is not to say my house is spic and span always. In fact, it’s often messy with the usual five and two year olds’ litter.

Also- we’ve never been the type of parents who cared what other parents were doing. Honestly, we’re too busy. I don’t feel the pressure at all to be in some sort of neighborhood ‘mommy club’. I’m OK if my kids don’t belong to the same groups of playdates that their friends are in. There was a time when we felt we had to attend every birthday party we were invited to and I put a stop to that. Our weekends were shot and I said no more! I’m confident in the love that we shower our kids and I hope that they grow up feeling confident in themselves and don’t need anyone else to justify their existence.


We all have our own struggles but I often tell myself, take it one day at a time and do the best that you could. That’s all you can really do. And at last, it’s the weekend so let’s celebrate!

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Enjoy your weekend!



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