Indoor Herbs

We currently have 4 pots of indoor herbs in addition to the ones that we grow in the garden. During the summer, I particularly like to add fresh mint to my water. It gives it such a refreshing taste. It’s nice to live in a place that has 4 seasons b/c you can actually appreciate what each season offers.

I was lacking this coming from Miami.


We have 2 types of thyme. 

This thyme is from last season. We trimmed all the dead parts and now there’s new growth coming through. 

Rosemary- this type is woodier than the ones typically sold in stores. 

What type of herbs do you grow? Please share!

‘Til next post, Kellie

17 thoughts on “Indoor Herbs

  1. You take such beautiful photos, Kellie! So so gorgoeus. I love mint too- it adds a lovely cooling effect to a glass of water. In summer I add a slice of lime and a few leaves of mint when I’m really thirsty. I would love to try and grow some indoor herbs.


  2. I grow basil. I did have four different herbs, but that’s the only one that survived. Do you have to have lots of sun through your windows? We have huge overhangs, and I’m worried that growing them in my house would be just asking for a black thumb.


  3. We’ve actually managed to keep our pot of basil alive. Normally the basil seems to wither away after buying it, but this one seems to be resilient. We also have a bayleaf and rosemary plant. And a lavender plant, but this one is decorative only. Your photography as always is beautiful!


  4. I have a pot of basil growing in my window and also rosemary. I also have some lavender, even though I don’t know any recipes to use it- It’s just pretty, and I like to snap off a little leaf now and then to smell the yummy fragrance.
    Thank you for writing!


  5. Beautiful! I love the four seasons for the same reason….to plant my herbs: sage, rosemary, oregano, and cilantro. I also lemon balm outside that grows endless. Great photos.


  6. Those pots the herbs are in are so minimalist and cool. I tried growing herbs last summer in our garden, but I thought I killed them all… then, surprise! This spring they all came back bigger and stronger than ever.

    These photos are incredible, by the way!


  7. I am jealous of your herbs. My allergies prevent me from having any sort of living plant in the house, even cut flowers in a vase make me a sneezy/headachey mess.


  8. What a beautiful vignette! I don’t grow herbs, but I have five large flower beds I’m preparing for spring/summer flower planting.


  9. I always have much better luck with the herbs I grow outdoors than the herbs I grow indoors when the weather is too cold for them outside. Nearly every year my parsley, rosemary, sage, oregano, and chives come back bigger and badder than the year before. I usually have to replant my basil outdoors each year, but we tend to use it the most in cooking.


  10. I love the white pots that these herbs are in… they look like they would really add something interesting to the interior of a place!


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