Behind the Scenes w/ T&J

Since my sister, Tam + her fiance were on the cruise w/ us, we decided to take advantage of the breathtaking setting + took a bunch of photos/videos for their engagement.

Thought it might be interesting to take a few behind the scene shots documenting some of the moments in action.

Dancing at sunset. 

Seen here, my husband is video taping. We are thinking of doing a short trailer for their engagement. Truth is, neither of us are pros (nor experienced!). We just kinda do it for the love of being creative.

The most challenging part will be finding a video editing program (any suggestions?). It’s a learn as you go approach! This process will be a self-taught kinda deal  + hope that it comes out well! Fingers crossed. Can’t wait to share the finished trailer! 

I absolutely LOVE this shot. Of the thousands of passengers on the ship, surprisingly no one was on the top deck that evening. We had all the space in the world to do what we wanted. I love how this shot depicts the openness of the top deck + the vast ocean next to it. 

Tam taking a break. Do we resemble each other? 

First day, departing the port of Miami. 

Love the clock in the picture above. It’s as if the clock has stamped the time for this particular moment which can’t be relived except for in memories + videos!

You should see the front of her jacket! It’s gorgeous. Will show on a later post. 

My husband on the right of the picture video taping them through the glass windows. 

We went to the beach in Atlantis and it was scorching hot! I took a few shots of Tam w/ my camera, Canon PowerShot S90. Compared to my husband’s, Canon 5D Mark ii, it’s a little dinky. But I love that it’s small + convenient. Most of the pictures from my blog are taken by my camera.

The sun was so intense and it was super hot. I was sweating bullets! Sometimes, reality is not as glamorous as it appears. 

Below are a few sneak peaks of their beach pictures. Taken by my husband and edited by yours truly. I think we make a great team! 

Got this outfit for Tam. She wanted a modern, stylish veil and I love the lace pattern of this dress. Off the shoulders is sooo sexy and effortless! 

Needless to say, but their final pictures will not have my watermark on them! 

There are still hundreds of pictures to sift through and edit. I’m hoping to get this done for their engagement party which is on Memorial day! Busy as a bee! 

How do you like the behind the scenes approach? Maybe I can do more of these…

‘Til next post, Kellie

24 thoughts on “Behind the Scenes w/ T&J

  1. Great photos as slways! Especially loved the behind the scenes shots of your sis and future brother in law to be. So epic, all they needed to be was at the bowel of the ship, chanting ‘King of the World!’ (joke!)

    Looked like you all had some great memories from the holiday either way 🙂


  2. For movie editing, my husband uses something from Sony…We’re not pros either, but he’s done videos of our trips and for girls’ 1st birthdays…

    As always, great pics! And yes, I’m intrigued by the front of her blue blazer/jacket…


  3. Nice shots Ms. Kellie {or rather by your hubby} ^_^

    I love her off shoulder dress. ♥

    For vid editing, try adobe premiere pro…. It’s a little bit complicated but there are lots of online tutorial for it. Hope you’ll make it by Memorial Day =)


  4. Great pictures. For video editing, I’ve used Final Cut Pro. I like it a lot. It’s not too difficult to learn either. Good luck learning as you go!


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