Homemade Lemon Balm + Mint Iced Tea

Aren’t you glad it’s almost summer?! I’m sooo looking forward to the much warmer months. This time of the yr, our herb garden is growing out of control. The sage bush needs taming and the different varieties of mint are taking over our plot. What to do w/ all these abundant goodness?!

I made an herb bouquet for our kitchen. The fresh smell of the herbs is sooo refreshingly intoxicating! Kind of an oxymoron.

Another thing that I LOVE during the spring/summer time is a super cold glass of iced tea to beat the heat. It’s better when you make it from scratch ~ w/ love. I prefer to make a ‘tea syrup’ first b/c it takes A LOT less time to cool down 2 cups of hot water than an entire pitcher. I use lemon balm, spearmint, and peppermint leaves + 1/2 cup of brown sugar (adjust for sweetness preference).

Once the syrup has cooled down, add water to dilute the syrup. The lemon balm smells like lemongrass- super clean and lemony. I had all the intentions (in the whole wide world) to add a slice of lemon into the glass but lo and behold, we ran out of lemon (sinful)!!! Imagine the vibrant color! I could have used lime, but it wouldn’t be the same! ughhh.

This iced tea is simple as pie! A must try for your summer outings!

‘Til next post, Kellie.

31 thoughts on “Homemade Lemon Balm + Mint Iced Tea

  1. Thanks for liking my post about wonderful books. I LOVE your tea recipe and have made it several times. In Austin, lemon balm tends to hibernate during the hottest summer months, so I’m madly making up batches of this tea while I can.


    1. Hi Betty- You are from Austin? Aren’t you lucky!! I LOVE Austin, such a beautiful city w/ GORGEOUS lakes. I’m glad you’re taking advantage of the tea recipe! Have a GREAT day. Best, Kellie.


  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have a little tea garden in Ohio, which my renters are now enjoying. The tea is also available here, and is a favorite drink of mine also.


  3. I live on tea…pretty much any season. I love this idea! I have red raspberries blooming right now… I wonder how they would taste added into it 😉 Thanks for the recipe!


    1. Well, I made it! Mine had a handful of fresh raspberries I just picked off my bushes, spearmint leaves and a couple peppermint leaves and 4 black tea bags. I brewed it so that it would be nice and hot then let it sit and steep for over an hour. Strained it and put it in the fridge. Half of that to a glass with the rest water and its perfect! I can;t wait to make more. Thanks!


  4. Love this!!! And thanks for the like on my favorite iced tea, too! Less involved than yours, but yours sounds scrumptious. I’ll bet it can be used in some kind of cocktail as well, perhaps? Hmm. In the meantime, know that it’s *really* hard for me to visit your blog because it is so, so beautiful and mine is so, so basic. Just: gorgeous. Everything about it.


  5. That herb bouquet is so pretty! and I love the idea of having that instead of flowers and fill the kitchen/room with the scent of the fresh herbs!


    1. Hi! I believe the pitcher was from bed bath and beyond. The top didn’t come w/ it though, it’s from another teapot that happened to fit perfectly! Best, Kellie


  6. I made this tea tonight and loved it. More refreshing than any lemonade I’ve made! Thank you for the post.


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