Leopard & Booties

Truth be told- I bought this leopard pencil skirt 2 yrs ago from F21 and NEVER EVER wore it! You know, it’s one of those impulsive buys that end up sitting in the closet for yrs and you wonder why you purchased it in the first place?

Well, I rummaged through my closet before our LA trip b/c you know how it goes…a closet full of clothes (and no more space for new ones) yet NOTHING to wear?! I was having one of those moments. Well, quite a few of those moments lately. So, I found this leopard skirt and said ‘what the heck’, might as well make use of it.

And to pair w/ it was a pair of leather open-toe booties that was in a similar situation. Except for instead of 2 yrs of hibernating in my dressing room, these booties have been living in there for 1 yr w/o ever touching ground.

I guess, sometimes it’s best ‘shop’ in your own closet!

My little Z is growing too fast!

So what fun things did us girls do in our stylish outfits? Another post to follow…

Do you have clothes in your closet that has never been worn?! Please share!

‘Til next post, Kellie.

20 thoughts on “Leopard & Booties

  1. This post made me recall a time a few months ago when I dragged two pairs of old bootcut jeans from my closet that I was not able to fit into for quite a while. After a few weeks of healthier eating I tried them on, and they fit! I knew I did not give them away for a reason! 🙂


  2. The skirt looks amazing on you. I love animal prints. I like the way you’ve made it the focal point of your outfit. I’m glad you visited my site today because it made me aware of your blog. I’m following you now on Bloglovin’.

    Tammy of “Walking in Pretty Shoes”


  3. Adore these open-toe booties! I can’t wait for it to cool off in Texas so I can wear booties again! P.S. If you ever want to make some room in your closet, feel free to send it all to me!! Hehe (and I’m so NOT kidding!). Love your style!


  4. Love it!
    YES! Im a sucker for a bargain. I have a sheer button down shirt from Talbots I got at TJ Maxx for 12 bucks, and a DKNY sequin racer back tank I got for $5!!! I just bought em for the heck of it. They go well with my white pants that I’ve worn once. lol I really need to revamp my rotation. Thanks for the post!!


  5. Totally love the leopard pencil skirt ❤ but I am such a leopard print junkie, the day it colonised Goldman Sachs and the national day on August 1st have the same historical importance to me haha


  6. Leopard print works best with black…looks great! And I know what you mean about shopping in your own closet…I often find things I forgot I bought!


  7. as usual – amazing photos! also nice to see the little baby ( who is growing up so fast!!) xx


  8. Great outfit! Isn’t it fun to come across things in your closet that you forgot you owned? I have challenged myself to shop my closet this month and I was very surprised by the number of items I own that have never been worn. I will definitely be putting them to good use this coming week when I go on vacation. Hope you guys are having fun in sunny California!


  9. Wow, did you ever just prove that it’s not how much you spend but how you wear it that matters. That is one of the most knock-out outfits you have posted yet! Nice job.


  10. Yes, there are clothes in my closet hanging with the tags….gotta love when you find something terrific that you purchased and never wore! Have a fan-tab-u-lous weekend!


  11. I love all of your posts! Your baby is gorgeous! Your pics remind me a lot of the pics I have of me and my mom when I was a baby, she always looked fabulous and dressed me up to match, you are a great example of what mom’s should look like! And, yes I do have tons of clothes I haven’t worn, I found a sale at a BCBG store that was closing, bought everything I liked and haven’t worn it yet! It’s sad… but I’m waiting until my next move to showcase my outfits 🙂


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