Farewell 2012

Farewell 2012.

You’ve been too good to me. You’ve been the yr that has defined me most as a sister, daughter, woman, wife, and most importantly, a mother. I’m sad to see you go because as you go, you take away the best year of my life… thus far.

So bittersweet, it’s almost hard to hold back the tears.

Because of you, 2012, that I’ve had the chance to be a first time mother for the entire yr. It was full of many unforgettable moments. Moments that were filled with sorrow and anguish such as when Z got really sick and I almost felt guilty for bringing her into this world just to experience pain. Moments that were silly, especially when daddy turns up the music and we, as a family, just dance around like it’s nobody’s business. Moments that were proud…when Z finally enjoyed herself at daycare! But none beats the moments when I see Zoey laugh, grow, and discover life around her.

2012, you also gave me the chance to witnessed how my husband has evolved into a loving, fun, and compassionate father.  He is the best possible husband, daddy, and partner any girl can ever asked for. And I am so lucky to be that girl. So blessed to have found my life partner who shares the same vision for the future as myself.

And of course, 2012, you gave me the opportunity to create Le Zoe Musings. This blog which has kept me sane amidst many insane, hair-pulling mommy moments. LZM has been my platform to share my love of creativity and snippets of my life. I hope to inspire and stayed inspired by all the great friends (around the globe) whom I’ve met through LZM. For that, I can’t “Thank You” enough!

NEW YR2Sometimes, life stands still for a minute. This is when Zoey spontaneously comes and hugs me. I drop everything that I’m doing and hug her back. We cling to each other for about a minute and then go about our bidness. The joy of being a mother…

Looking ahead, I’m so excited for 2013 and hope that it will top my best yr ever! Below are some of the things that inspire me, make me happy, dear to my heart, and will be part of my 2013 story.

NEW YR6With winter, comes tea sipping tendencies.


I often wear these three rings together. A promise ring from the hubs from 2000 (first diamond gift from him!), engagement ring from 2008 (2nd diamond gift from him), and wedding band from 2009.


In 2013, I hope to keep a journal (something simple not daunting like a tell all diary) and to read more. The last time I got lost in a book was probably back in Jr high (too long ago!).

NEW YR5When I was a child, I LOVE plain ‘ol toast w/ butter and sugar. I’m hoping to go back to the basics and enjoy more of that. Also, I used to bake French bread from scratch (in Jr high), and I hope in 2013, it’s going to be a frequent hobby. What can possibly smell better than freshly baked bread?

NEW YR4I am a lip balm addict and this is a winter must have to keep my lips moisturized during the 2013 winter Arctic air.

Last but not least, I wish to do more fun and fancy things just because. Because every day is worth celebrating!

** Something noteworthy- daddy’s taking his girls to PARIS in 2013!!

Happy New Yr and I hope that this yr brings you joy, happiness, health, and wealth!

What was your most unforgettable 2012 moment(s) and what do you wish to accomplished in 2013? Please share!


17 thoughts on “Farewell 2012

  1. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the book once you start reading! Lately i read while my little gentleman is taking his afternoon nap, and it’s a real blessing! So relaxing!

    & i wish for París! This year and every other! Just can’t get enough…!

    Best for you & your family for all year long!


  2. 2012 had been good to me too!!! I thought I was lazy in 2012, but realised upon checking back most things I had done, I realised we did a lot! And~ I enjoyed a year of photos from your blog (ok, less than a year…)


  3. Happy new year! This post almost brought me to tears. Thank you for sharing snippets of your life, it’s really special. Hope the year ahead is filled with lots of joy for you and your family! Beautiful photos as well!
    For me 2012 was an unforgettable year in its entirety, filled with ups and downs. In 2013 I would like to also read more, exercise more and make a success out of my first job out of college. Exciting times lay ahead and I am so ready!


  4. I loved this post! Like yourself, 2012 was incredibly good to me and I’m sad to see it end. But I’m positive that the next 12 months will be filled with even greater memories that will be treasured – hopefully anyway! Happy 2013, and thank you for the follow 🙂 x


  5. Your words almost brought me to tears as I related to many of these things in my own life this year, and it also has been the best year of my life thus far. I contemplate taking a hiatus (or quitting altogether) from my own blog as I have started back at work and I’m not sure I can do the job I want to do with it while also making time for my family, but your words have encouraged me to not give up so quickly. Great post!


  6. Max’s birth was our biggest moment of 2012! Seeing them grow up is just so amazing isn’t it??


  7. My most unforgettable moments of 2012 include committing to my blog 100%, watching my youngest sister become a soldier in the United States Army (a very proud, yet bittersweet moment), and (most recently) reconnecting with family that I lost touched with many years ago, thanks to Facebook! 🙂 And, of course, meeting fabulous bloggers like you! By the way…I’m so happy to see that you wear all three of your beautiful rings! I do that too…I thought I was the only one!


  8. Happy New Year to you! I love to read your blog, they are beautiful! Hope to continue to see you in 2013 and beyond!


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