Truffle Foie Gras Sandwich

I HEART Foie Gras. I HEART Truffles. Put them together? Just pure heaven!

Yesterday, as a snack, I made two little seared Truffle Duck Foie Gras sandwiches. It was just the perfect midday filler.

Seared Foie Gras in a way reminds me of Roasted Bone Marrow which I LOVE to make. Will share my RBM recipe later.

seared truffle foie gras3

seared truffle foie gras2 If you don’t have Australian salt flakes, sea salt works just as fine. Green apple slices and arugula cuts the fat. Searing the foie gras too long will just melt away all the fat. You want to do this quickly on high heat. I used a cast iron skillet.

seared truffle foie gras4Prior to toasting the baguette, I rubbed it with an olive oil/crushed garlic concoction.

seared truffle foie grasMouthwatering.

seared truffle foie gras5Have you tried Foie Gras?

Have a great weekend everyone!


13 thoughts on “Truffle Foie Gras Sandwich

  1. Personally i am a die heart fan of Foie Gras, apple and Foie Gras is one of the very classic combination as apple has a hint of sourness with sweetness in it therefore it balanced out the richness and fattiness of Foie Gras. It is also a very good idea to have it with bread, toast, rice; sushi and fried with rice, this is because it acts as a sponge to absorb the excess fatty essence.

    There is nothing that eating excessively will do good to the human body, however eating with moderation is a different scenario. Here is a link which explain and advise the portion and nutrient of Foie Gras.

    Enjoy and eating healthily.



  2. This looks delicious. The photography is very nice, and no pun intended, tasteful. Do you shoot it yourself?


  3. I love fois gras, what an innovative recipe to have it paired with! I can imagine brioche would work really well as the bread also, unless it made the mix slightly too heavy! Love the shotsā™„

    Amelia xx


  4. I’m not a big fan of fois gras but I love your pink Australian salt. It’s so pretty šŸ™‚ I do like everything else though, the olive oil and garlic rubbed toasted baguette, plus the apple and arugula…yum šŸ™‚

    I’ve always wanted to try roasted bone marrow. I’m curious to see your recipe (and no doubt gorgeous pictures!).


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