Blueberry Limeade

Here’s a thirst quencher that looks and tastes AH-MAZING! I was totally inspired by the lemon balm from our garden. Their scent is very similar to lemongrass. Very refreshing and lemony. 

I had blueberries and lime in the fridge- ta da! An idea was born. What better combination to use the lemon balm with than blueberries and lime? Add maple syrup and it was a thirst quencher concoction made in heaven. 

blueberry limeade Warm days don’t get any better than this!

blueberry limeade2 blueberry limeade3 So my super fancy “glass” was none other than an empty glass jar of raspberry jam! I thought it looked cool. Plus, upcycling is such a great thing!

blueberry limeade6Put all ingredients into the glass container, close lid and shake. Enjoy! What’s also cool about this container? I can keep the lid closed and take it with me wherever until I’m ready for some thirst quenching extravaganza! 

blueberry limeade4So how healthy is this drink? I thought it would be fun to do a little research on the health benefits of each ingredient in my Blueberry Limeade. Here’s what I found. Source cited at end of descriptions.

Did you know that lemon balm is known for its calming effects therefore is an aid for anxiety and sleeplessness? It’s also a natural pain reliever and is taken for headaches, menstrual cramps, and toothache. Info from WebMD

Blueberries are highest in antioxidants than any other fruits. They are also an excellent source of Vitamin C and Fiber. Info from WebMD

Maple syrup is a natural sweetener which boosts your immune system, has anti-cancer properties (may be more effective against certain cancers than broccoli, blueberries, carrots, + tomatoes!) and is rich in Zinc (protects the heart, controls diabetes) among other health benefits. Info from NaturalNews

Lime aids in weight loss, digestion, and healthy skin. Info from OrganicFacts

Hope you learned something new! I was most surprised by the health benefits of Maple Syrup. I think that I’ll have it more often. Of course because it’s still a sugar…should be consumed in moderation (like anything else!)

blueberry limeade5 blueberry limeade7

Love me some macro shots. Images w/ Canon 5D Mark ii. 

Hope you’ll try this one! Feel free to substitute lemon balm with mint. 

22 thoughts on “Blueberry Limeade

  1. This looks so wonderful, I read all the way through the post thinking ‘I wonder what I could substitute for lemon balm?’ Then I read the last sentence — I’ll have to give this refreshing-looking drink a try!


  2. That looks delicious, have to give it a try! Especially as I’m on a health kick at the moment in preparation for beach 2013!


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