My First Vacay

Unlike Mr. Axel, at 8.5months Ms. Zoey has already traveled to 5 states and 2 countries. Axel has a lot of catching up to do! His first vacay was this past week to Florida for my brother’s wedding. I can’t say that it was the best experience as he was sick and fussy the entire time. It seems like the kids just take turn getting sick (over and over and over). Both the hubs and I feel so defeated taking care of sick little people!

Thankfully, he seems to be doing much better his first day back. Mommy and daddy need to go back to work! I need a nanny, I need a nanny, I need a nanny, I need a nanny…

And here he is just chillin’ in Aunt Tammy’s room.

baby axel

baby axel2

baby axel5

his hers room

baby axel6

I love how she decorated her room by combining feminine (chandelier, mannequins) and masculine (moose head, night light) pieces. It’s the perfect compromise for a his & hers bedroom.


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