Spring in My Living Room

If you are both a Spring and home decor lover, you’ll appreciate this post. Here’s what’s happening with our living room as of late. The highlights? Cherry branches from our backyard, gold wallpaper c/o Graham & Brown, and of course the one and only troublemaker, Mr. Axel!

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Loving how these delicate cherry blossom branches stand out against our gorgeous gold wallpaper.

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Living Room by Le Zoe Musings

Don’t let this handsome face fool you. He can be temperamental as crazy and will screech like a mad old man if you don’t feed him fast enough. He has man scars on his face to prove that he’s one tough warrior. Scars from falling off our bed and from scratching his own face when he wakes up from napping. Just because.

But thank god, he also has a sweeter side. He’ll give you open mouth kisses like no one could and has the most contagious laugh.

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This is what I love most about our home. Multiple huge windows in every room providing ample of natural light.

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For those of you who’ve missed it, please click HERE to see how we’ve transformed our living room. From pink colored walls (we didn’t do it!) to bright white ones with gold panel accents. You’ll also see how we’ve changed out some of our furniture pieces and configurations from then to now.

Have a lovely weekend!

Kellie of Le Zoe Musings_Signature bw2

15 thoughts on “Spring in My Living Room

    1. Haha. The kids have a play room/bedroom and their toys are not allowed to leave that room. Occasionally, a few toys are sprinkled into my bedroom but Zoey knows to put them back. We also have a few toys/books in the living room but once the kids are done with them; we store them away in the console drawers. Also, not having a TV in the living room helps tremendously!


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