Cauliflower Soup w/ Bacon + Pecorino

I love soups during the winter. They are so simple to make and you can really add anything you’d like to them. I made this hearty cauliflower soup not b/c I had a particular craving for it (in fact, I’ve never eaten cauliflower soups before, is there even such a thing?!) but b/c I wanted some soup and this was one of the few things left living in my fridge.

Also- I had some white bean soup a few weeks prior. So I had some inspiration for making this soup. 

Sautee white onions and garlics until soft (overdoing the garlic will  make it bitter)- add cauliflowers and chicken stock. Once the cauliflower becomes tender, puree the mixture. Add salt + pepper to flavor. Top with bacon and shaved pecorino.

I don’t really measure anything when I cook, it’s just by eye and sampling as I go. If you prefer a thicker soup, add less chicken stock, vice versa. Plus, I tend to like things saltier than the normal population. 

It’s just that simple. 

Til next post, Kellie

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