Be Featured on Le Zoe Musings!

I am VERY EXCITED about this post! All this time it has been me who has been musing about my diy’s, makeovers, favorite foods, etc. Now I would LOVE it if I can showcase your diy/version of one of my most popular posts, A Personalized ABC Nursery Frame

Let your imagination run wild, there are many ways to implement this simple project- it doesn’t have to be just for baby. 

Please send me pictures of your version. I would love to see how you are framing and decorating your home w/ it. 

I will choose my favorites to be featured on a near future post. The post will also have links to your blogs. In order to submit, you must be a follower of this blog. Remember, I LOVE great photos and to me that include: great lighting (natural + bright the best), clear images, + story telling power. 

Please send images to  Last entry date: Sunday, April 14th. 

UBER EXCITED to get your fabulous pictures! Let’s inspire each other! 

Til next post, Kellie

2 thoughts on “Be Featured on Le Zoe Musings!

  1. I just wanted you to know that I gave you the Versatile Blogger Award. I love your posts. You were also one of the first to check out my new blog and give feedback, which I appreciate. Details are up on my blog. 🙂


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