Simple B-Day Picnic

Today was Aunt Helen’s b-day and I planned a small, simple surprised b-day picnic. The weather was perfect for light sandwiches and teeny, tiny cupcakes. 

We are so lucky to live right by the harbor. It is a 2 min walk, if even that, behind our place. During the summer months, this is where my husband takes us out to sail. 

Chocolate + butter creme frosting – my favorite!

Packed some light sandwiches made of arugula, avocado, ham, and muenster cheese on honey wheat bread. 

Paired w/ chips + soda and we were ready to go!

Do you picnic a lot during the summer months? 

Til next post, Kellie

19 thoughts on “Simple B-Day Picnic

  1. It looks lovely and like a complete success! 🙂

    If the weather is warm enough, we picnic. Baby Eli adores the outdoors. We find every excuse we can to spend time outside.


  2. Living in the country, I/we are blessed to have the ‘typical’ Midwest farm home with a lovely front porch. As soon as the temps warm consistently, there is a wicker swing (hung from the ceiling), plants/plant stands, and a small table for 2 where hubby and I eat most all our meals. It faces west, with some pine trees for shade, and has a gorgeous pastoral view! We never tire of it!!! Your post today was so wonderfully sweet…….isn’t buttercream the best????? Thank you for taking us along! Hugs, Doreen


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