It’s MY Birthday and I’m Giving YOU a Gift!

Hello all! This post was meant to be posted YESTERDAY but I was experiencing internet connectivity hiccups ALL DAY and couldn’t post it (Sometimes, life doesn’t go as planned & it’s still all OK). So here goes…

Sept. 13th, 2012 @ 8am, I was greeted in bed by daddy & Ms. Zoey with a scrumptious cake and a lovely card!

Exactly one yr ago, I was a brand new mommy to Zoey. I decided to quit the corporate world so I can focus on taking care of this little person. Secretly, I was afraid that my new baby wouldn’t be attached to me, wouldn’t like me that much if I didn’t spend enough time with her. And instead of her begging for my attention and clinging to me, I would be the one begging for hers (this is certainly NOT the case today!).

It was a personal decision that I don’t regret. I can’t imagine missing out on all her first times…holding her own bottle, reacting to my silly faces, crawling, falling, giggling, eating solids, etc.

This doesn’t mean that I don’t miss having ‘me time’, reaching for other goals & priorities in life, being part of a creative team, or facing work related challenges. Truthfully, being a full time mommy is by far the HARDEST job. There’s no lunch break or gossip sessions w/ your coworkers! Many times, I yearn for a break from mommyhood to recollect my thoughts & to breathe in some fresh air.

I was craving for balance in my life. I needed something flexible while allowing myself to be the best mommy and wife.

When Zoey turned 6 months, I started this blog (something I’ve always wanted to do). This blog serves as my creative outlet, my sanity break from mommyhood. Shortly after, came my Etsy shop, Le Zoe Scribbles, where you can find artworks designed by me.

Whew! This was all in one yr’s time…quit my job, mommyhood embraced me, and the inceptions of Le Zoe Musings & Le Zoe Scribbles! Can you tell I like staying busy?!

(had some for breakfast today!)

And speaking of Le Zoe Musings, this magnificent blog of mine! I have to say that I’m so proud of how much it’s grown! Nearly 5k followers across all social media outlets in 7 short months (I’m just a regular someone, so this means a lot to me)! My goal is to make Le Zoe Musings a positive, inspirational, & creative space for all my readers and it’s a vision that I will always strive for. This blog couldn’t have grown w/o all of you, my readers (some of whom have followed me since day 1!).

So to show my appreciation and a way of saying “Thank You!”, I’m giving away 15 (YES, FIFTEEN…I’m not crazy, I’m just a mommy!) of my prints (non-personalized)! To enter for your chance to win, you must be a follower of my blog, like my FB page, write a comment stating your interest, share which print you would LOVE to own and where this print will live in your home/office space. Open to all readers, US & ABROAD!

Here’s a quick glance at my artwork collection (8″x10″, printed on 100lb pure white high quality stock):

You can also visit, Le Zoe Scribbles, for a close up look at any of these prints.  Deadline’s Sunday Sept 23rd midnight eastern time. The 15 winners will be chosen from a random drawing and announced here on my blog, Monday Sept 24th!

This past yr has been such a turning point for me, so many great changes…

It’s true what they say, “When one door closes, several others open.” Certainly, if there’s a great opportunity knocking at my door, I will definitely consider embracing it. Until then, I’m content at exactly where I am- as a mommy, wife, and creator.

I’m so grateful to have such a wonderful life w/ the husband and Zoey and looking forward to celebrating many more bdays with them!

And if you’re wondering about my age, which I’m sure you are, I’ve passed the big 30 but haven’t yet reached the 35 yr old mark!

‘Til next post, Kellie.

83 thoughts on “It’s MY Birthday and I’m Giving YOU a Gift!

  1. Happy B-Day, Kellie! Your thirties is a very pivotal time! I’m in my early thirties myself, and it seems like everything is just now falling into place…you know what I mean? 🙂
    By the way…I’m kicking myself that I caught this post so late! It looks like your giveaway had an amazing turnout!


  2. Happy Belated Birthday! I would love the Coffee Love print – it would go either in my kitchen or office at work!


  3. happy happy birthday 🙂 love the abc boy art. it would be perfect for my son’s playhouse, which I made myself 🙂


  4. *in my best faux-serious voice* I must say I object to one of your statement. I find it highly offensive that you would refer to yourself as “just a regular someone”
    lol (sorry, that’s just my odd sense of humor coming out a bit. but seriously…)
    I’m a fairly new follower but to me, you are a celebrity. All your posts look so crisp and clean and professional. Better even, than some big-time magazine articles I’ve seen. And your art is simply beautiful.
    So to correct your statement for you, you are a very special someone. And I’m so glad you made this blog that has brought me so much creative inspiration that for me has been in hibernation for far too long.
    Thank you so much. And happy belated birthday. =^_^=


  5. Hi I love that your prints are now available for us! I always see you do amazing things and thought that would be cool to have. I would love to win the ABC boy art. My on is 3 months and I am still adding to his room and doing a bunch of framed items. needed to gather some more and this would be a perfect fit


  6. Happy Birthday! What a sweet way to share and celebrate ❤ I love the Celebrate Life – its a great reminder to celebrate each and every day. I would love to see this on the wall between my two kids' rooms.


  7. Happy belated Birthday. I just found your blog because you liked one of my posts. I popped on over to visit you too. Can’t wait to follow all that’s going on here. Love your prints. all of them but especially the “coffee love” one.


  8. AH! Your prints are so adorable! I truly admire and appreciate your creativity! If I were to win, I’d LOVE LOVE LOVE the Love the Cafe in Paris print. Too cute! I’d put it in my kitchen or in our little nook where all of our extra cooking tools go.


  9. Happy blessed birthday! I would really love to have the “Celebrate Life” artwork! It’ll be such an inspiration to have it sitting in our living room’s devotional corner, reminding us that our lives are truly a gift from Him. 🙂

    Have a great celebration, and a wonderful year ahead!


  10. Happy birthday! I hope you have a good one! You are such an inspiration to many.. While reading your story somehow I can personally relate, am not yet a mom but if I would be given a chance one day I will also choose to spend full time with my child. I really hope I can win one of your birthday giveaways hehe. As a coffee lover I love love the design of cafe je t’eaime brown mug. 🙂 xoxo


  11. What an amazing card! I would ball my eyes out if I received that.

    Happy Birthday! My son’s first birthday is the 16th and my future hubby’s is the 12th. Go Virgos!


  12. Happy Birthday and Congrats on your successful blog! It’s always so beautiful and positive so I am not surprised it’s quickly becoming popular. I love the “love morning & lattes” print, and you are super generous for giving them out for your bday, hope it was a great one!


  13. Happy date of birth, a little late. I enjoy reading your stuff, I truly do. If I were to win I would love the “Celebrate Life” print and I would hang it on my “inspiration” wall, which is directly behind my desk and holds notes for my writing and other things that inspire me.

    I looked for a Texas Longhorns print, but could not find one on your page. Odd! 🙂



  14. Happy happy birthday to a wonderful mommy and lady! I LOVE the coffee LOVE print and would put it next to my coffee pot in the kitchen on the counter. That is where I need a great piece of ART to brighten my day. 🙂 what an exciting giveaway!


  15. Happy birthday, Kellie! I guess you and I have a little thing in common. We gave up something in favor of our little princess and hubby. I know exactly how fulfilling it is now. Good for you though coz you are able to go fulltime with your blog and your etsy shop. I wish I can do that next year. Your blog is really very visually-appealing. You’re very talented. Here’s to mothers like us; to blogging and our passion.


  16. Congrats on such a big year! And Happy Birthday 🙂
    My favorite is the “Coffee Love” print. I would hang it in my home office / “library” – my personal space to escape away to 🙂


  17. Happy birthday! I love the cafe je t’aime brown mug print. I’d put it in the kitchen or dining area where I’m trying to pull together a coffee theme. 🙂


  18. Belated happy birthday! I love to have the COFEE LOVE art print! perfect for my desk in the office! 🙂


  19. Happy Birthday!! What a perfect b-day greeting to wake up to. I love your “love coffee” print. It’s beautiful and I’d proudly hang it in my craft room. I don’t have a fb account but I am on twittee and pinterest. I will tweet your post and pin my favorite print in hopes you will still consider me in the giveaway. I’m so glad you stopped by my blog – thank you. I have subscribed to yours 🙂


  20. Happy Birthday fellow Virgo! My b’day is the 12th 🙂
    I am torn between the LOVE Coffee print (which my man would love) or the Ok breathe with the pink teacup… Hmmmmm….
    Well done on walking and finding your own path. It’s inspirational!


  21. Happy Birthday! What a kind gesture, to give away your beautiful art. I posted this link on FB, Pinterest, and G+1. Hoping to steer more people your way. 🙂
    I would love to have the ‘Cafe in Paris’ print. Third one on the top line. Anything Parisian + coffee makes me happy. It will be lovingly placed in a special nook in my cozy kitchen. ❤


  22. Happy Birthday!!

    What a wonderful thing to do–how generous! I must say, I would be delighted if I were to win the “Ok Breathe/Matcha” print. I’m a huge fan of this chocolate matcha tea that my fiance always makes me when I have a lot of work to do 🙂 So it would definitely live in a place of honor in the living room, somewhere very near the couch, where I curl myself up when I need to get things done 🙂


  23. Happy Birthday Kellie! I admire your commitment to your sweet little person, and for sharing it through this beautiful blog. Kudos to you!


  24. Happy Birthday Kellie! Wow, I can’t believe how much has happened in a year!! I remember emailing you in the beginning when I started blogging as well! You’ve gone so far and your such an inspirational blogger and mommy!

    I would love, LOVE the Lattes Print in my kitchen where I make my morning coffees! It’s super cute and totally would make my kitchen look cuter!

    I hope you had a wonderful birthday with your hubby and Little Miss Zoe!


  25. Just wanted to drop by and say that I’m loving your blog! Thank you for checking out “Like a Lady L.” I’ll look to your musings for inspiration. Happy Birthday!


  26. Happy Birthday! What an amazing looking cake! :O

    I can’t believe you’ve done all this in 7 months, i was sure you’d been at it for years!

    Also I love the Coffee Love picture. It would go over our ‘coffee station’ in our kitchen 🙂


  27. Happy birthday! They’re all so beautiful, but I especially love “Celebrate Now!” I need it in my office so I won’t get so wrapped up in my work. 🙂 Have a happy day! 🙂


  28. Happy Birthday Kellie – and thanks for sharing such beautiful pictures with us. I would have to say that I love your “COFFEE LOVE” print, it would look adorable in my office at work, as it has just a hint of pink in it (my favorite color) and I’m sure it would look absolutely darling in a PINK frame too .. I love brown and pink together. This print would fit my morning routine, as the first thing I do when I get to work is get my coffee and read your blog 🙂 Anyway, this print (if I’m so lucky to win it) would be hung in my office at Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine, in Yakima, Washington. I work in the Office of Academic Support.. and so, I along with our 150+ medical students would have the pleasure of enjoying your artwork.. that would (again) look fabulous hanging behind my desk 🙂 I’m not sure if we need to leave a post on your facebook wall to qualify for this contest too, but I’m a subscriber. Happy Birthday! -Heather Decker


  29. Happy birthday… You have the same birthday as my father in law… 1 day before my husband’s :p anyway hope you enjoyed your special day.


  30. Happy birthday! I just celebrated my 1 yr old sons birthday two days ago! I would love to win one of your art prints. They are so cute! I’d love the “celebrate now” print if I won!! I love to be reminded to be more present. Thanks!


  31. Happy Belated Birthday to such a lovely, positive, lady! I really enjoy following your blog and I am glad that your life has followed the path it has so that you plunged into the blogging world. Happy, Happy Birthday Kellie! I hope that it was fantastic!


  32. Happy Birthday! love your blog and your prints! Celebrate love would live on my nightstand. love the colors!!


  33. Thank you for being such a normal person. Thank you for always sounding so positive even though bad things do happen (you dilute them all). Thank you for sharing your life and that of your family with complete strangers who enjoyed being on the receiving end. Thank you for trying to make things so interesting with all the giveaways. Thank you for finally providing giftaway for international readers. Thank you for the celebrate collection. Thank you for giving away 15 prints to 15 people. Thank you for reading all the comments and answering mine on FB (I am Saga Yuui on FB btw). WordPress freshly pressed you right. I don’t remember how long I had been following you, but I enjoyed every part of the journey from seeing cute baby moments to finding out and drooling over food I never heard of. Notifications of your blog is definitely one of the things I look forward to the most in my email everyday.

    Sorry for writing so much. (>______<!!) If I do win, I do not mind either Celebrate life or Now. Both are my favourite among your art pieces. It will most likely go up on the wall facing the bed, or I will frame it nice and give it to someone I really like or appreciate a lot.


    1. Saga- Thanks sooo much for such a sweet comment. That’s probably one of the most heartfelt things I’ve read! It def. touched my heart. I’m glad to know that readers like yourself appreciate the things I put out there. I hope to continue to do the same and help motivate and inspire others, if only for a few mins (while reading my post!). Have a great one! Best, Kellie


  34. Happy birthday Kellie!!! definetly this is YOUR YEAR 😉 My favourite print is the Family Tree, I’m also a mommy and love to have my own family.
    Big kiss


  35. Happy Birthday, so excited for you, I made your same choice 11 years ago, and I love spending time with the children and my little home business. Enjoy! Your prints are so amazing <3!


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