Peonies and Parfums

Hope everyone’s doing well! This post is dedicated to all the Lovelies who are tickled by all things pretty and fragrant! 

I plopped some peonies from our garden into a gold vase and accessorized them next to a few mini-parfum bottles that my sister sent over from Paris. All these happy things live on top of a white (thrifted) nightstand which my hubs and I just face-lifted. 

Here are the Peonies & Parfums to brighten your day, make you feel more fabulous, and give you the confidence to go dance in the rain….freely! 

peonies and parfumsAn easy way to make gorgeous floral arrangements? Just add the same types of flowers or ones w/ the similar color scheme into a vase. You can’t go wrong! Also…I am diggin’ this color combo! Pink, gold, and whiteeeeeeeeee.

peonies and parfums4I’m usually NOT a parfum gal. I actually almost never ever wear them so I think that these miniatures are perfect! I can just try different scents and not worry about having to waste the entire bottle. Perhaps wearing them may encourage me to go get my very own full-sized ones. That’s a very adult thing to do…

peonies and parfums5Everything looks better on top of a white drawer. 

peonies and parfums3Thank you sister! Hoping one day Zoey can have a sibling to shower him/her with love. Would LOVE a baby boy but the sister bonding thing is priceless! Either way, it’s such a blessing. 

peonies and parfums6

Will definitely follow up with a makeover post of this pair of nightstands. You wouldn’t believe the transformation AND how much I got them for! Love me a deal.

peonies and parfums2

peonies and parfums7As always, “THANKS” for stopping by. Live Life Beautifully! 

images by yours truly / canon 5d mark ii

19 thoughts on “Peonies and Parfums

  1. Hi, Kellie! I love your blog. It has become part of my daily ritual. I’m even doing some backreading to catch up on old posts I’ve missed. It’s so inspiring to see and read how you’ve come up with the perfect balance of being a wife, a mom, and just being yourself. I, too, have a toddler (mine’s a boy, 1 year and 8 months old), and I know how important it is to take care of yourself so you can take care of others. I also love white interiors and pale pink peonies. Keep up the good work! You are well-appreciated. 🙂


    1. Hi Ria- You couldn’t have said it better! “Take care of yourself so you can take care of others.” I find my time with Zoey so much more meaningful and enjoyable when I’ve had the chance to have some “me time.” All mommies need some space to reflect and rejuvenate.



  2. This has truly brightened my day! I adore peonies! Are they easy to grow? When I move into my new house I would love to grow them!

    Beautiful photographs also and I love your DIYs. xx


    1. Honestly, my husband takes care of them! But he doesn’t seem to do anything special other than watering them so I take it that they are pretty much easy to grow. So worth it to grow your own b/c they are sooo expensive at the flower market. $5/stem? NO Thanks!


  3. Very pretty. I’m jealous that you were able to pluck luscious peonies from your garden. I was unfortunately born without a “green” thumb and have a hard time with even Petunias. Woe is me in the garden. I feel the same way about perfumes, too. I try them, but they usually remind me of women past their prime 😦


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