Friday Chit-Chat

Just some random chit-chat worthy things to mention….

rhEarlier this week, I bought these cool concrete initials for Zoey’s future bedroom (for when we move to our new place…whenever that is!) from Restoration Hardware. This is the type of random not-thought-out purchase that my husband would categorize as “junk.”

fruit salad

Lately, I’ve been mildly obsessed with fruit salads plus basil! Any combination of fruit salad tastes so much yummier with fresh basil. It must be a summer thing! The salad dressing with grapeseed oil instead of the usual e.v. olive oil takes it to next level. De-freakin’-lish!

parisianIt’s finally OFFICIAL! We bought our tickets to PARIS!!! I can’t wait to stuff myself with Fois Gras, Macarons, and Tea. And also bring some home to the Lovelies in my life (Annie, I won’t forget about your Neuhaus Createaur Chocolatiers / Paris City Collection)

IMG_4217How I’ve missed you so!! Can’t wait to reignite our love affair.  It’s been too long…

images above by yours truly / canon 5d mark ii


After Paris? We are flying to Venice! I’ve always dreamt about riding in one of those Venetian gondalas through the romantic canals. AH!! via


After Venice, we are stopping by the breathtaking rolling hills of Tuscany! Can’t wait to go back and stay at one of the farms there. It’s literally one of the most gorgeous places on planet Earth. via


And I’m REALLY excited about our last destination...Lisbon, Portugal!! via

It’s almost like going down memory lane 4 yrs ago when the hubs and I went on our honeymoon to Paris, Milan/Tuscany, and Barcelona. This time it’s going to be super special b/c Zoey will be traveling with us (and a pain too, I’m sure!).

France, Italy, and Portugal…we are heading your way (in just a few short weeks)! Are you a local or have visited any of the above destinations? If so, would LOVE to hear recommendations as to what to see, do, and grub! 

Happy Friday and a Wonderful weekend to all.

19 thoughts on “Friday Chit-Chat

  1. My three must-see destinations in Paris (which you may have already visited, but still wanted to share): Saint Chapel – takes your breath away; the Rodin museum – evidence of genius; and a night cruise along the Seine – a very romantic, and therefore perfect, way to see Paris.


  2. I remember seeing big initials like that for the first time many years ago on the tv series RHODA. I’ve loved them ever since and have a set of my own in wood. ps-you can get into a lot of trouble at RH. What a cool store!


  3. Oh wow! How truly exciting! I hope to see lots of pictures and posts! I would love to travel to Paris and Venice one day, and hoping so in a few years!

    How exciting. Great pictures and I must try that salad, looks so yummy.



  4. That sounds like so much fun! I’ve always wanted to go to Italy, especially to Florence to see the Duomo. I’m finally living my childhood dream and am going to France next week though. I hope you and your family have safe travels!


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