What’s Baking?!

I’m so thrilled to share what we’ve known for over 4 months now! Something’s been baking and no, it’s not Parisian bread. There’s a bun in the oven and it’s due this upcoming winter!!

We feel so incredibly blessed and extremely excited to give Zoey a little sibling. I’m  anxious to meet our little bundle of joy but not looking forward to the bundle of exhaustion and sleepless nights to come shortly thereafter (let’s keep it real!).

For those of you who might be interested (whether you too are expecting and can relate or trying…) – this pregnancy has been very different from Zoey’s in many ways. For the most part, I feel great. I felt like my first pregnancy was as bad as it can get (the extreme nausea, food aversions, exhaustion, discomfort, etc). Although this time around, I’ve been having MAJOR indigestion but thankfully taking Zantac (OK’d by my Dr.) has helped tremendously. Please DO NOT take any medications during pregnancy unless you’ve consulted with your physician!

But of course I would go through this and more b/c the end result is all so worth it. Zoey has been such a major blessing in our lives and realizing that another baby can give us the same joy is priceless. It makes me appreciate being pregnant that much more…

bumpI thought it would be fun to create another series…call Bump Watch. You can expect a Bump Watch series post every month as I document my pregnancy progression and share with you the latest and greatest Bump News! It’ll be fun to see how I style The Bump as the weather gets colder. This is a totally different experience for me as I was due in the summertime with Zoey.

On a work-related note: Our company Gloss48 is getting ready for an epic re-launch. Sign up to get VIP access. Don’t miss out on Share The Love referral program- Give $5 to a friend (on us!) and earn $5 credit for each friend who spends $5 off their first purchase! Click HERE to join…

Good night world!

66 thoughts on “What’s Baking?!

  1. Congratulations! I am a little late to the party but wanted to express that you and your family are in my thoughts. I hope this pregnancy goes amazingly and I cannot wait to see pictures of your beautiful future bundle of joy. 🙂


  2. Congratulations on being pregnant–again! :). If you think you were in for a ride with one, just wait until you finally have two! 😉 But you will be truly blessed in so many ways with all your children. God bless and looking forward to see more of the Bump in the coming months! 🙂


  3. Congratulations, Kellie! Although I am now nearing the end of mine, I look forward to following the “bump watch” series.


  4. Congratulations! This is such good news! Another child changes a beautiful single bud to a whole bouquet, a solo instrument to an orchestra. Just adding another laugh to the family laughter is the richest sound ever. 🙂 I’m so happy for you!


  5. awww…congratulations!!!!!
    i have following your blog for some months now…and the way you take things in ur stride is quite inspiring…i have been married for almost 3 yrs now…and i still have cold feet to even plan our 1st baby….it seems you will inspire me now with this as well….i hope i get enough courage to go with the flow like you…



    1. Kiyara- You will never feel ready to raise a child. It’s A LOT of responsibilities and takes much time and effort. Even for us as having Zoey was planned, we had no clue what we were doing most of the times (still don’t!). But the joy that a baby brings to your life is far more amazing than I’ve ever expected. It’s truly the best gift in the world. It’s something that one wouldn’t understand until one’s a parent.

      I say “Go For It!”.

      Best of luck! Kellie


  6. Congratulations! I have missed reading your blog for a while! It is wonder to come back to such exciting news. I wish you and your new bundle of joy the best.

    Adieu, scribbler


    1. Hi Aimee- Zoey will be 2.5yrs when the baby arrives! Our initial plan was to have them much closer in age but that changed when we realized how exhausting it was to be a parents!


  7. CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS~! So happy for you and your family! Really looking forward to your future posts! Wow! And you look so pretty w the bump!


  8. Congratulations what wonderful news. I can’t wait for the updates! I’ve also, happily signed up for the re-launch…can’t wait for that either!


  9. Congratulations!! How exciting!! I have 3 baby sisters and now a baby brother – it was so exciting when they came into the world! I’m sure Zoey wil be a phenomenal big sister!!


      1. Lol, she’ll grow out of it! And just enforce sharing and taking care of each other-that’s what my parents did and we turned out pretty great!!


  10. love it! so happy and excited for you! I’ve been following you from the start (pretty sure we started our wordpress blogs at the same time.) I was actually just wondering if you were wanting more kids. Anyways, I’m almost 20 weeks with my first. Can’t wait to read and follow your pregnancy. Hope all goes well! Congratulations!


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