Ice Cream Friday

Happy Friday everyone! The team took Christie, our Marketing Intern, out for an afternoon ice cream treat to bid her farewell. It was her last day with us before she heads back to college.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetBecause we work in the city, food trucks are abundant. We chose The Cookie Monstah food truck to celebrate the occasion. Christie and I shared this ginormous portion of Cookie N’ Cream.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetToday’s office attire consists of mainly black, gold jewels, and hot pink mani by Model’s Own in bubblegum.

Have a great weekend!

3 thoughts on “Ice Cream Friday

  1. That cookie ice cream thing looks amazing! I have the worst, sweet tooth, too so I would have eaten the whole thing by myself and probably wanted another. What a nice way to say bye.


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