Bedroom Bench

If you are heading into the week with a bit of Monday blues; I hope that this post will put a smile on your face and give you some inspiration. For over two years, I haven’t caught a case of the Monday blues. In fact, I look forward to Mondays- very much. It’s when I can be relieved of exhausting mommy duties (at least for 8 hrs) and happily focus on professional projects. I think we all need that balance (although many times I do feel a lot of mommy guilt when I get super busy). When I pick up the kids at the end of the day, it’s like seeing them for the first time in a very long time. It’s always some act of mutual surprise happiness as we run into each other’s arms.

Anyhow, like almost every room in my house, our bedroom remains to be a work in progress. There’s still that antique headboard that we need to reupholster, the lampshades has to be replaced, the fireplace mantel waits for us to give it some love, and that perfect chandelier hasn’t been bought. We are one step closer though to the bedroom of our dreams. Recently, we added a bench to the foot of our bed (small stepsss). Finding one with the ideal dimensions to fit our California King bed was a challenge. But with some web searching and as they say “One thing lead to another.”…we found THE bench. A match made in bedroom heaven.

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Our kids love to hang out in our bedroom. This bench makes it so much more enjoyable and comfortable. Zoey sits on the bench now when she’s watching her weekend movies and Axel just enjoys using the bench to help him walk.

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For me, the use of a decorative tray is a must. You can conveniently and stylishly store all your favorite items within arm’s reach. Macarons included!

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Zoey is  now 3.5 yrs old! She is the funniest little girl who adores her mommy and thinks that mommy is just so ‘special.’ Last night she said “Mommy I’m sooo proud of you for saying YES!” Supposedly, I had said yes to her request to watch one episode of Sophia before bedtime. Truth be told, I actually never did say ‘yes’….yet. She never even gave me a chance.

And as you can probably tell, she wants to be like mommy in Every. Single. Way.

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And then there’s Mr. Axel who is just a little over one year old. We call him a ‘hot mess’. He has yet to walk on his own or sleep through the night and desperately needs a haircut! Oh, and he ruined our family vacation by catching a horrible bug the day before we were supposed to fly. He was hospitalized for a week and got discharged on his b-day! We still have very high hopes for him though.

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Ms. Z has a serious serious sweet tooth..

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I’m not a design guru or Martha Stewart, but if you ask me, below are some of the essentials that I deem necessary to make a bedroom oh so perfect!

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What do you think about adding a bench to the end of the bed? Would love to hear your thoughts.

On a side note, Instagram obsessed? Would love to see you follow along…

Le Zoe Musings InstagramPlease click HERE to go to my Instagram.

Happy Monday y’all. It ain’t that bad! (p.s. I was partially raised in New Orleans.)

Kellie of Le Zoe Musings_Signature bw

38 thoughts on “Bedroom Bench

  1. I’ve been looking for a bench EXACTLY like this to match a headboard and fit our CA King bed.
    Where did you get it? I”m desparate..


  2. I agree completely that a bench at the foot of the bed is necessary! It’s where I lay my pjs before I put them on, where I sit to put my shoes on, where I sit my purse when I get home and change at the end of the day…it has so many uses!


  3. Gorgeous styling, as usual, Kellie. Your addition of that lovely bedroom bench is both practical and fitting. It works so well with the shabby rug, which ain’t shabby at all. 🙂

    I hope Axel is feeling much better. So sorry he got sick, especially so close to his birthday. I hope he was still able to have a good birthday.


  4. Your decorating skills always amaze me. Does the bench have storage? That would just be the icing on the cake. I have a bench obsession and it took me 2 months to find the perfect one that matched my king bed. Worth the wait.


  5. We bought a tan suede bench for our Master bedroom and we love it! Our dog loves to lay there, so I think he loves it too.


  6. We just added a bench too! We actually purchased one that opens and has storage, but it’s covered in a nice tufted leather. Our bedroom doesn’t have as delicate a look as yours; the colors are darker and deeper (I like yours better). But I still love having a great bench at the base of the bed. I never realized how much it would add to the room!


  7. I love reading your post, it’s so real. I love your bedroom the way it is now and the new addition (the bench) is gorgeous! The quality of your photos are really nice as well, which camera do you use? I am very admired by your blog, it’s so elegant!


  8. Beautiful – and your children are ADORABLE! They absolutely look like a slice of heaven. 🙂

    Love that bench – where did you end up finding one that fit correctly?


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