That’s It. Fruit Bars Giveaway! (ends April 28th)

If you ever wonder how long it takes me to complete a post, it’s about three hours straight. From photographing, editing images, and writing the content; it’s a whole process. This doesn’t include the preparation beforehand such as brainstorming ideas and planning how each idea/project would be best represented visually. When I’m in the ‘zone’, sometimes it’s hard to take a break and grab something quick to eat.

Luckily, I’ve found a lifesaver. They’re the That’s It. fruit bars.

That's It Fruit Bars by Le Zoe Musings

They’re my newly discovered healthy go-to snacks and they’re always close by. Made with 100% real fruit and only two wholesome ingredients in each bar. No preservatives. Gluten Free, all natural, kosher, vegan, and totally raw.

That's It Fruit Bars by Le Zoe Musings 3

Their “goal is to make it convenient for people to get their “2-a-day.” That means that you get 2 whole servings of fruit from just one That’s It. ® bar.”

That's It Fruit Bars by Le Zoe Musings 4

Yesterday, I boiled three artichokes and made artichoke tea. Today, I enjoyed the tea with the bars. Zoey also loves these. They’re her after school ‘surprises’.

That's It Fruit Bars by Le Zoe Musings 2

And now here’s your chance to snatch a sampler pack! Giveaway details below.

That's It and Le Zoe Musings GiveawayGIVEAWAY ENTRY GUIDELINES:

1. Be a follower of Le Zoe Musings and like LZM on Facebook HERE.

2. Leave a comment sharing which fruit bar combination is your favorite. Click HERE to go to That’s It.

ENTRY DEADLINE- TUESDAY APRIL, 28TH MIDNIGHT EASTERN TIME. THE WINNER (chosen at random) WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON LZM FACEBOOK PAGE ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29TH. You will have 48hrs to claim your prize, if not, you forfeit the prize. Please check facebook to see if you’ve won.

** Open to US readers 18 years or older.  GOOD LUCK!!

Also, please visit That’s It social channels:

Kellie of Le Zoe Musings_Signature3 bw

46 thoughts on “That’s It. Fruit Bars Giveaway! (ends April 28th)

  1. New follower, thanks for the delicious giveaway! I love pineapples and apples, so the combination of both flavors in a bar would be heaven in a package!! Your artichoke tea looks fab. I have never tried it, but now I will. How long did you boil them? Good luck, everyone!!!


  2. They are all unique and taste wonderful, but the apple cherry is da bomb !!! My 11 month old twins devour these for snacks and I feel good about feeding them these all natural products


  3. They sound pretty awesome!

    For people in the UK, we have Nakd bars: whole fruit and nuts, raw, vegan, gluten-free, with only a drop of flavouring via essential oils when needed. And they come in all sorts of awesome flavours, like chocolate, berries or pecans! 🙂


  4. I think the {That’s It} packaging is SO cool. My first choice would be apple + blueberry. Sounds yummy.
    Hoping you’ll consider me for the giveway even tough I don’t have (or want) a Facebook, I can’t “Like” you, but I do 🙂 Thanks!


  5. They all sound delicious…and healthy too! I think my favorite combo would be the apple and pear. You don’t see too many treats made with pears unfortunately. I love’ em!
    Will cross my fingers now – lol!


  6. I would love to try the apple + coconut combo. Coconut everything has been a favorite of mine lately. That flavor sounds nice and light and fresh.

    Liked by 1 person

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