The View Outside My Home Office

A lot of rooms in our house are still in the transition phase. This includes my future home office space which is directly connected to our bedroom and used to be Axel’s nursery. I’m contemplating where to put the desk because I also want to add a separate sitting area (with small settee and coffee table). Now that the pear blossoms are in full bloom, the view outside the window is so spectacular that it’s making me rethink where I’m going to place some things.

I did a ‘test’ setup today and made Axel’s changing station my desk for the day. Decked it out with some pretty and personal stuff to make the area feel welcoming. I’m really liking where the table is. Not sure if it’s because of the Spring view outside, the gorgeous warm weather, the fresh scented gardenia candle, or all the sweet treats on my desk! Whatever it is, I’m feeling it…

Le Zoe Musings Home Office

The view: pear blossoms & brownstones. Paris outside my window!

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These pear blossoms are so breathtakingly beautiful. Our streets are fully lined with them right now. In weather news, today started off a tad bit gloomy and damp but it’s really bright and sunny now.

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Everything about this space makes me feel alive. The tiny yellow flowers that Zoey picked for me on our little park adventure yesterday, the eucalyptus arrangement, the fresh scented candle, my little notebook…

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I can definitely see myself working here…

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Loving the neighbor’s cast iron balcony railings.

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What do you think about my future home office space? Do you have an office space of your dreams? Please share!

Kellie of Le Zoe Musings_Signature bw2

19 thoughts on “The View Outside My Home Office

  1. Very beautiful! I work from home and I might be inclined to add a drop-leaf tabletop extension to the side of the dresser so that I can flip it up for when someone needs to sit and type. Although, I wouldn’t get much work done with that view.


  2. I would love to know where you got that changing table and chair! Love the look, super practical for small spaces and storage!


    1. Hi- The ‘changing table’ is just an ikea drawer. Not sure where we got the chair. It was purchased online about 4 years ago. Search for “Mid-century modern Eames Eiffel chair” and it should yield some results. Have a great day! Kellie


  3. Love it!! So contemporary with amazing natural lighting coming from the big windows 😍😍


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