Strawberry Farm

Nothing makes me happier than taking the kids on family surprise field trips on the weekends. Axel is a bit too young to understand but Zoey gets really excited because she has no idea where we are taking her until she arrives at the destination.

Yesterday, we went to a strawberry farm about an hour away from the city. Half way, we had to make an emergency stop because Mr. Axel would not stop screaming. Turns out he was sleepy and craved for mommy’s affection. We thought he was over the car seat-hating stage, but nope! He proved us wrong- once again.

Here’s a little photo journal of my precious mini-me at the strawberry farm…

Strawberry Farm by Le Zoe Musings

Strawberry Farm by Le Zoe Musings2

The goal is for the kids to have childhood memories that they’ll cherish forever. We are hoping to build family traditions that we can repeat annually. Strawberry picking is one of them.

Strawberry Farm by Le Zoe Musings3

Strawberry Farm by Le Zoe Musings4

The wagon ride was definitely the highlight of the trip!

Strawberry Farm by Le Zoe Musings7

Strawberry Farm by Le Zoe Musings5

Strawberry Farm by Le Zoe Musings6

Little did she know that we had one more surprise trip planned for her and Axel. After strawberry picking, we headed to another farm down the hill where we enjoyed homemade ice cream right by the creek.

Strawberry Farm by Le Zoe Musings8

We are looking forward to visiting many more farms this summer! What do you and your family typically do every summer? Please share…

Have a great Sunday.

le zoe musings signature

16 thoughts on “Strawberry Farm

  1. Amazing photos and what a great idea to take the children on surprise field trips! Definitely going to do that with our little one! Here in Namibia we don’t have farms like you that we can visit (winter or summer). But we have lodges inside parks and conservation areas. So we visit these 🙂 The Etosha National Park is close to where we live, so I have a lot of childhood memories here.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. so adorable! The photos are beautifully composed – though I am surprised Zoey’s dress managed to stay free from strawberry stains!


  3. What a great tradition to create! My family went strawberry picking for the 1st time ever last year and we loved it! I am hoping I can make it out to a farm sometime soon! I had so many strawberries, I made at least 20 recipes with them! The biggest hit was a strawberry caprese over chicken!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi! Zoey is not a messy toddler. She never has been. Once her hands or mouth gets sticky she’ll ask me to wipe them. She has always been like this with everything. She doesn’t like to feel icky and is very particular. I carry baby wipes all the time and have them readily available for times like these! – Kellie


  4. She is getting more adorable every day. And I can’t believe that you guys wore white and made it out of there in tact!!! Amazing! Strawberry picking is something that my mom and I did every year growing up, and it is something I miss most about living near her. Zoe will cherish these memories! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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