Nothing To Say…

Ever have those moments when you really really want to say something but you have nothing to say? That’s exactly how I feel right now. My creative wheels are at a halt and I couldn’t think of anything worthy to share. Sometimes, I have my content calendar all planned out and other times I’m just living life on a whim.

So… I decided to snap a few images of my dining and living rooms since I was spending some time cleaning them this morning. I’ll let the images lead the way and see what kind of thoughts they spark from me…

Home Decor by Le Zoe Musings

Our dining room will be going through a few major changes in just a couple of weeks! I’m so excited about this because for the longest time, I feel like it’s been a hodgepodge sort of space. You’ll just have to wait and see as I will be sharing after it’s all said and done!

Btw, the gorgeous curtains on our windows were sewn by my husband. They’re perfect because the sheer panels allow lots of natural light into our space. After selecting the fabric, he asked me “Do you want French pleats, butterfly pleats, or Euro pleats?” I’m like shocked because likkeeee how the hell does he know about all these types of pleats? I certainly didn’t so of course he gave me a diagram to choose from. #BestHusbandEVER

End the end we chose…um, I don’t remember but they look fabulous anyways, no? #BadWife

Home Decor by Le Zoe Musings2

Dusting and cleaning. It’s never ending. With two kiddos in the house, it’s a major challenge. But you just have to set the rules. Toys only stay in ONE room of the house. If they sprinkle into other rooms, they need to be picked up ASAP after playing. Axel is a little rascal. At just over 1.5yrs old, he doesn’t quite understand but Zoey is almost 4yrs old and loves rules. She’ll sometimes reminds me what the rules are. This is coming from a child who ever since a baby hates to be dirty and icky.

Home Decor by Le Zoe Musings3

We have a problem. I can no longer convince the hubs that white is the ‘it’ color. If it were up to me our entire house would be white. He’s not playing that game anymore. He says it’s getting boring. I guess I can see where he’s coming from but I kinda don’t. Seriously, why wouldn’t you want an all white house?!

Okkkkkkkkk hunnie, you might win on this one.

Home Decor by Le Zoe Musings4

On another note, I went to grab some silk greenery and peonies along with a Chinoiserie vase yesterday. Put them all together and made this floral arrangement for our little sitting area. I go through obsession phases. Right now, it’s the Chinoiserie vases (aka Ming vases from the Ming Dynasty). I’m just so freakin’ obsessed.

Hope you’ve enjoyed my nonsense ramblings and my ‘Nothing To Say’ post. Happy Wednesday!

Kellie Van signature Le Zoe Musings

16 thoughts on “Nothing To Say…

  1. Hahaha. “I guess I can see where he’s coming from but I kinda don’t.” Yessss! I am pro white furniture. And walls. And clothes. And basically dumping a can of white paint on my body. Currently in the transition of swapping out all my black furniture for white. You may call it a hospital but I call it CLEAN! Lol. Thanks for following!


  2. Your house is lovely! The decor is beautiful and I’m so surprised that your husband knows so many different types of pleats lol. Awesome! Plus, white will always be THE color. I’m looking forward to seeing the new changes in your living room.
    Cute post!


  3. The back of our home is all white. Everywhere. Including my daughter’s room. That’s what accessories are for, to add colour! The front of the home is cool grey, with crisp white trim.


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