Twelve Gorgeous Kitchen Marble Countertops

If you were to ask me, our kitchen is probably the one space that remains the messiest. On a nightly basis, Mr. Axel abuses it like he’s the king of the house. It doesn’t matter if it has just been swept, mopped, or scrubbed. After one dinner, the kitchen looks like it has been through a major storm. He loves to grab his food by both hands, shoves it into his mouth, and the remainder of the food gets thrown on the floor. After this, he’ll rub his hair with the same set of food-filthy hands. I cringe every single time and always have baby wipes on hand to wipe him off about twenty times before dinner is over.

This is something fairly new to us as Zoey has never been a messy toddler. She remains to be very ocd about everything and complains that our kitchen is way too dirty. The truth is she tiptoes when she walks around the kitchen because she doesn’t want her feet to get yucky. I understand her pain.

So you might wonder why we are in the process of installing (or thinking about it) white marble countertops in our main kitchen. Yep, you heard it right. WHITE. Our main kitchen renovation is coming along and we are contemplating countertop options.  Both my husband and I love the look of white marble so we are just wishing and praying that Axel will grow out of his messy phase soon. Otherwise, he may be banned.

Here are twelve stunning kitchens with white marble countertops. Maybe you’ll understand why we are acting with our hearts instead of our heads. We just fell in love…

Gathered from my Pinterest board, Kitchens.


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What do you think about white marble countertops for the kitchen? Would love to hear your thoughts! Below’s a peek at our kitchen reno and life lately on Instagram

Daddy & Axel in the main kitchen, birch logs for our bedroom fireplace, & Ms. Zoey being as cute as ever.

Instagram_Le Zoe Musings

Have a great Monday!

Kellie Van signature Le Zoe Musings


12 thoughts on “Twelve Gorgeous Kitchen Marble Countertops

  1. Hi Kellie,

    This is my first reply/post on your website. First, I want to thank you for providing me with a little escape I can whisk off to by visiting your incredible website. Your ability to juggle so many aspects of your life is truly impressive and your creativity/energy are inspirational. I also love the way you mix high and low brands, mix-and-match from antique shops to tag sales!

    So, I have Italian white Carrera marble table tops throughout my kitchen and bathrooms and while they look stunning in pictures and in real life initially, they are very difficult to maintain as it’s a very soft, porous surface which is easily stained (even with watermarks) and scratches very easily. The initial shine also becomes marred with a dullness (which euphemistically is referred to as “patina”), but in my opinion, it’s not as stunning as the original sheen of a new marble top. If you’re ok with this inevitable deterioration and high maintenance of white marble, go with your gut, but I thought that I would at least give you a heads up as I had some heartburn as I watched my impeccable marble top slowly develop this “patina”. Perhaps other white marble (beside Carrera) is sturdier, but in my experience, it’s not the most user friendly.

    Again, just wanted to say that I think it’s amazing that you’re able to live life to the fullest with two kids in tow (I know, as I have 2 toddlers as well) with a partner who is clearly a Renaissance man.


    1. Michelle- Thanks so much for your sweet message. I think sometimes when we just do what we do and run at 100mph, we tend to forget that our work can affect others. I’m glad to hear that you can find inspiration here at LZM. I hope you continue to visit! Have a wonderful day! Kellie


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