Spring Cleaning: Closet Edition

Spring is here and I realized that I haven’t even mentioned anything about Spring cleaning! It’s one of those things that I absolutely look forward to. I enjoy decluttering my space and making it as minimal as possible. If this means getting rid of half of my closet, so be it! Along this Spring cleaning … More Spring Cleaning: Closet Edition

The Mobile Closet

Despite living in a somewhat spacious home, I don’t have the closet of my dreams- yet. My future closet still remains on the ‘to be renovated’ list. Currently, my clothes and accessories are scattered across several rooms. The classic morning dilemma is racking my brain and exerting way too much energy trying to find that … More The Mobile Closet

Displaying Clothes

One day, I will have the dressing room of my dreams. And in it, will be a rack full of fabulous clothes. Not hidden in the closet, but out on display. As in a work of art.  Here are a round-up from my Pinterest board, Dressing Room, of how beautiful and stylish a space can … More Displaying Clothes

Dressing Room

My dressing room is WAY PAST due for a decluttering session! I’m not sure how it has gotten to its current state of devastation but it’s driving me nuts!!! The worse part is having to find that piece of accessory to complete my outfit and knowing that I’ve kept it ‘somewhere safe’ but still can’t … More Dressing Room