Hampton Beach, Seafood Festival

This past weekend, we crossed the state line and headed to Hampton Beach, NH. What meant to be a quiet visit to the beach ended up being a lively, fun affair at The Seafood Festival on the beach. It was a pure coincidence that the fair was happening while we were there.

Although we’ve taken a few weekend summer trips to nearby unique towns and centres (that we’ve never been to- this is why I LOVE living in New England), this time felt a little different and quite special. In my mind, I realized that this time might have been our very last summer trip before the arrival of fall. At least w/ this kind of late summer weather when you can still enjoy soaking up the sun & wearing skirts and flats.

And as I am sipping a hot cup of tea (white organic) for the very first time in a long while due to this morning’s slight chill, my realization is true…indeed, the end of summer is near.

It was EXTREMELY windy that day, we ended up having to layer up Zoey w/ pants. 

Comfortable flats to walk in is a MUST for a mommy.

There were SO MUCH food at the seafood festival and the prices were ridiculously cheap! This large fried onion bloom was $6.

I wanted one so bad, but my husband insisted that it was WAY too oily! Not to mention, the line was outrageously long.

An exhausted Zoey. She was beginning to feel a little sick due to her molars cutting through.

Zoey started a fever later that day and wasn’t being her flamboyant, cheerful self.

Summer and lobsters! How I will miss this combination!

Weather was so perfect.

Loving the vibrant red sauce.

Well, technically her 2nd summer but the first summer where she was able to enjoy it and do things w/ us.

Self crack and eat claws.

She had the cutest outfit on!

So freakin’ yummy!

I will surely miss you, summer adventures…Zoey’s laughter while swinging, picking flowers from the garden, summer grilling, basking in the sun, weekend summer trips, hearing the Italian neighbors (from our backyard) conversate over 5hrs+ LONG dinners during those breezy summer nights, homemade ice cream by hubs, harvesting organic vegetables, making infused drinks w/ mint leaves!

Before heading back home, we stopped by this French Bistro for dinner. It was absolutely delicious!! Will do a follow up post on this dinner later…

What will you miss about summer? Please share!

‘Til next post, Kellie.

18 thoughts on “Hampton Beach, Seafood Festival

  1. Good morning! happy i’ve got YOU as follower! and happy to see that Lulu Guiness flats! I just love flats! ( but not only flats! )…

    YOU have your own style, and that is something not too easy to find…
    Not many have style
    Not many can keep style
    I have seen dogs with more style than men…
    although not many dogs have style.
    Cats have it with abundance.

    When Hemingway put his brains to the wall with a shotgun,
    that was style.
    Or sometimes people give you style
    Joan of Arc had style
    John the Baptist
    García Lorca.

    so, long live THE STYLE…
    And blogs like yours!


  2. ahh! I love this! I grew up in northeast Massachusetts, so I’ve been to the Hampton Beach Food Festival more times than I can count. So fun. Your photos make it look way more chic than I remember it, though. 🙂


  3. Unexpected trips are always the best! Zoey is so stinking cute! LOL, I’m always dreaming about my fave place, New England so thanks for sharing pics it helps me get my fix, lol! Your outfit is gorg! xo


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