Organizing with Tiffany

I ADORE Tiffany. Maybe a bit too much. In fact, if you knew who Tiffany was, you’d like her too. Lately, I’ve been on a spring cleaning rampage and Tiffany did me GOOD! She helped me get totally organized. But that’s not all, she got things organized and made them pretty. For me, that’s a very important combination. 

So let me reveal who Tiffany is (you may already know her, she’s actually VERY famous). Actually Tiffany(s) are my shopping bags that I tend to hoard. I’m not the only one guilty of this addictive habit, I’m sure. My husband gives me grief about saving EVERY shopping bag I bring home. I’m the type of person who likes to keep things for the sake of keeping (AKA hoarder). I mean, I even have stacks of discounted X-Mas cards when I don’t even send them out! Well, I’m working on that…

My DIY vision board has been in a state of craziness. It started off nice, simple, clean, and very inspiring. Then it slowly became a storage space for everything from invites, pictures, cards, to receipts. It was kinda driving me insane and completely not eye-pleasing. So I did something that my husband would’ve been proud- made use of my shopping bags! (See hunnie, I told you they were going to be useful… someday!)

organizing with tiffany3

Now that my board has come to life again, I feel like I can breathe better!

organizing with tiffanyEach bag serves as an organizational drawer or compartment. 

organizing with tiffany7This one stores my tiny journals and random pens. 

organizing with tiffany5Remember the gift tag cookies that I made for the holidays? Well, I kept it as a memorabilia. Anyhow, this shopping bag serves as a basket for silk peonies. 

organizing with tiffany2This one is used for my Curly Girl Design notepad, polka dot pencils, and a pair of scissors. Btw, CGD giveaway is going on now! Don’t forget to enter. It ends midnight tomorrow…

organizing with tiffany6There’s even space for sunnies!

organizing with tiffany4Bags were easily hung up with multiple push pins.

organizing with tiffany8Who says being organized can’t be fashionable, fun, and clever?

PS. This should NOT be a reason to go shopping!

In other news, my instagram lately…

Instagram_Le Zoe Musings

To follow my daily tidbits, follow my Instagram HERE.

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91 thoughts on “Organizing with Tiffany

  1. I knew all of my nice bags would come in handy some day. That day is today! I love this idea. I worked at a place that never used the Tiffany bags that came with the engraved business gifts they ordered at Christmas time. My boss knew I loved to make and collect bags so she gave them to me. I have several sizes and love to use them for packing gifts. I also altered one a bit to use as a garbage can when I scrapbook. Just dry paper pieces go in it. Nothing yucky. Your idea is brilliant and so very pretty!


  2. I suggest a new theme every month. This month maybe Tiffany’s, next is Rolex, then Prada, after that maybe Burberry… you know the shuffle right! Just don’t get broke by end of the year LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh heavens – I too hoard shopping bags and also gift bags… Now I’m going to re-organise the room which serves as a combination office and dressing room, to make a feature of some of them – thanks for the inspiration!
    And thanks too, for the ‘like’ on my latest Girls Around Town Online blog post – I look forward to reading more of yours xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is such a cute idea!! Love the creativity! Doesn’t it feel so nice to organize a space with style!?! And thanks for visiting my blog. 😀


  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog :). This is gorgeous, I couldn’t part with the bags but they have just been gathering dust. I’m definitely going to try this out.


  6. This is so cool! Love the idea… so much that I want to update my writing space with a few cool bags. Thanks for sharing and also for visiting my blog. 🙂


  7. LOVE that idea! I am a collector of the Godiva bags myself.
    Here’s an idea for your Christmas cards….besides mailing them out.
    Go to your local liquor store and ask for an empty box with dividers.
    Cut the front of the Christmas cards off and decoupage the cards onto the empty liquor box and you have a beautifully decorated ornament box.


  8. this is a great idea! I dont have many shopping bags but I am sure that some of the ones that I do come across would work perfectly! My only question is how did you get them to hold the weight of some of the things that you put in there? My one thought was maybe a small piece of cardboard on the bottom might help with sturdiness. either way it is a fantastic idea!


  9. I just found this on Pinterest. I absolutely love it, Like you I am obsessed with Tiffany and Company (I actually have a Tiffany themed blog) I would love to try this. How did you stick the bags to the board?


  10. I love this idea, it looks so beautiful as well as being useful! How did you stick the bags on? I’m going to hang my bags from picture hooks on a cork board so I can see them – instead of having them all on top of each other on a hook – thanks so much for the inspiration! And thank you for liking my blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Looks nice and very organized! My work area instead is like the mad scientist work bench more then anything else!
    Thanks for coming by and the Follow!


  12. This is really cute! I save shopping bags too, but mostly because our locality has started charging a tax every time we take one in the store, so I’m all about reusing!! p.s. Thanks for deciding to follow Discover Santosha.


  13. Oh, I can already tell that your blog and I are going to be the best of friends. 😉

    It is evident you have put much time, thought, and detail into your design, and now this is a place people enjoy coming to. I look forward to my return visits.

    Have a lovely day,

    ~ Cara

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Hey! Thanks for the great idea! 😀 I don’t have any Tiffany’s bags right now, but I do have a few very loved ones from Sephora, the Face Shop, etc.


  15. What a great idea! Very unique and certainly would help to unclutter any living space!!!!! I’m sharing this on my Twitter, Facebook & Pinterest… : )


  16. Reblogged this on Living like an Erythrocyte and commented:
    Finally a displayed usage for the collection of gift bags. Some of them have such lovely designs on them but they get passed around a few times and then get relegated to a corner.


  17. Sweetie, i loved this post! First of all,, how cute does your working space look like. I just simply want to sit down there and start writing…(thats abig + point already!! motivation wise…)
    And second of all, omg gift tag cookies? Seriously?? You are the bst!! #nom

    Liked by 1 person

  18. i LOVED that inspirational board! I made one last May, as well and I have hanged it at my studying place! Each time I look at it, I feel thankfull for your wonderfull idea!


  19. I love it! I keep all my nice sturdy shopping bags from places like Gilly Hicks and whatnot because they are cute and sturdy and I feel like one day they will be useful. I think I know how now!


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