Beachside Food

Happy Monday! Yesterday, we had Zoey spent the night at her aunt’s house. Finally, there was a great opportunity for the hubs and I to watch a movie together or do something fun for date-night. Needless to say, none of that happened b/c as soon we went home (8:30pm), I was so exhausted I went straight to bed!

I’m sure this is related to the aging process. Gone are the days when I head to bed at 1 am on a daily basis (pre-Zoey era). Ain’t happening…

Anyhow, while in Italy, we enjoyed some of the most amazing meals ever! 

clamsWe headed to the beach and had the freshest and yummiest seafood dishes. This one was mussels and clams in a tomato basil sauce.

pastaPasta w/ crab.

zoeyAnd here’s Zoey lounging after lunch…

Enjoy your day!

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