My Sunday

Hello! Hope everyone’s doing well.

Today is such a typical Sunday for me. Nothing exciting or new, just did A LOT of chores so I feel very productive! In the midst of being a house slave, I did set time aside for tea and scanned through the RH catalog for some home decorating ideas. 

Currently, I’m working on our bedroom headboard. I have a really cool vision and I can’t wait to share the before and after pics. It involves painting our wall trims gold. Shhh!

teaI pretty much drink tea on a daily basis. Occasionally, instead of using a teapot, I’ll use a French Press. It’s fast, convenient, and perhaps even easier. 

rhI am very inspired by this Restoration Hardware Catalog. We are working on installing curtains. Since their silk panels will cost us about $500/window, we are going to select our own silk and sew them ourselves. Of course, with such intricate work details required…my husband will be the one doing the sewing and not me!

He’s already asked me which type of pleats I’d prefer (WTF?!!). I didn’t know there were so many types in existence but he was well prepared w/ illustrations and choices. Out of the Dutch, French, and Euro pleats, I preferred the French (thank you!). He is a man of many trades. 

I will def. do a before and after post on our curtain project too…

Have a great Sunday night!

11 thoughts on “My Sunday

  1. Wow, who knew there were such varied pleat styles!?! I also love my tea. My husband just bought me the Breville Tea Maker, and I love it! Just select the type of tea (green, black, etc.), and the water heats up to the proper temperature and the tea basket self-lowers and raises for the appropriate time based on the type. Makes it great to step away and come back to tea already made!


  2. So cute. Love your husband even though I never met him. I am drinking tea now – I have a new one – Rooibos + Chai + Vanilla coconut milk. So cozy.


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