Spring-Ready Coffee Table (with Austin Leigh OC)

If you look outside my windows, you would see mounds of snow about 5 feet high. That doesn’t stop me from celebrating the arrival of Spring inside. Yep, I also realize that Spring doesn’t officially start until March 20th (I’ve marked my calendar!). So how does one actually prepare oneself for Spring? In my case, I made sure that my coffee table’s adorned with Spring-worthy items.  These items bring Spring alive by enticing the senses (sight, taste, smell) that I would typically associate Spring with.

Spring-Ready Coffe Table by Le Zoe MusingsCreating a room that smells energetic, vibrant, new, and fresh is rather challenging. But I’ve got just the solution. Austin Leigh recently sent me their Lemon & Olive Branch scented candle and I have to tell you- it’s nothing short of amazing. The aroma is so heavenly fresh that my entire living room (I have a big one!) smells like Spring even before I lit the candle. It’s that intoxicating good!

Spring-Ready Coffe Table 2by Le Zoe MusingsI like pretty things. But pretty simple things- nothing too elaborate, complicated, or over the top. What can be more simple than tulips and roses? The sight of these beauties take me back to Spring when everything mother nature is in bloom. I am soo diggin’ the gorgeous contrast between the white tulips and fuchsia roses.

Spring-Ready Coffe Table 3 by Le Zoe Musings

And to round things up, my sense of taste is satisfied with these flavorful, delicate macarons. Lemon, orange, and raspberry flavors- how much more Spring can you get?! Talk about a burst of Spring in every single bite.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this Spring-craving post! What do you miss most about Spring and how do you plan on freshening up your home for Spring? Please share!

Also, to grab one of these amazing clean-burning soy wax Austin Leigh OC candles, please go to Gloss48.com or click HERE. Launched today at a special price. Get ’em while they last! They’re family-made by a husband and wife team. We love unique homegrown stuff!


19 thoughts on “Spring-Ready Coffee Table (with Austin Leigh OC)

  1. I always get flowers from my husband for Valentine’s Day, and they are the beginning of spring in my mind! I like to move the potted plants that are inside for the winter into the kitchen and living room so I can see them and be reminded of the outdoors. I also, just the other day, cut some rosemary from my still-green rosemary bush and brought it indoors. The fresh smell was a definite pick-me-up.

    I love your coffee table-a sign of spring for sure!


  2. Your flowers are gorgeous, and I love your early Spring concept! I actually am not quite ready for Spring, but I’m more of a fall and winter kind of girl.; so, I hold on as long as I can. 😉 I enjoy seeing others’ delight in it though, and I love Spring flowers of any kind!


  3. I’m addicted to lemon & bergamot to signal the start of the warmer months. I switch to Lime Basil & Mandarin from my winter Vanilla & Anise or Ginger & Nutmeg. It’s a whole psychological shift. I de-clutter like a maniac (I’m already eyeing up stuff). I think this year is out with the dark living room furniture and in with the white and light. All the other rooms are already there, we just have to agree on a sofa.


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