Spring Cleaning: Closet Edition

Spring is here and I realized that I haven’t even mentioned anything about Spring cleaning! It’s one of those things that I absolutely look forward to. I enjoy decluttering my space and making it as minimal as possible. If this means getting rid of half of my closet, so be it!

Along this Spring cleaning process, I’ve learned to make wiser decisions. Stop buying pieces that’s “OK” and spend more on items that I “LOVE”. This will result in spending a little more but at least I’ll get a lot more mileage from them. Donating bags after bags of clothes each season is like throwing your money away. And I have wayyyy more respect for my money than that!

I’ve learned to be content with a smaller closet and only fill it with basic, classic versatile quality pieces. It’s something that I’ve not yet mastered but working on.

Spring Cleaning Closet Edition by Le Zoe Musings

Here are a few closet organizing ideas to help you get the closet of your dreams! Stylish- check, clean- check, inspiring- check, check, check!

If you are a shoe lover, beauty-obsessed, or color-coordinated OCD- I’ve got you covered…

Images via my Pinterest board, Dressing Room.


Loving shoes on the wall idea.

Polish Organizing

Storing nail polishes in an oversized jewelry box is such a clever way to keep them organized!


I am a huge fan of using tray tables to display pretty little items.

Closet 4

This closet reminds me of a stylish chic boutique. What’s better than shopping in your own closet?

Closet 5

Recycle pieces. I would never thought about using an old file cabinet for extra storage space but it looks really cool and gives it loads of character.

Closet 6

This open minimal closet area in the bedroom is absolutely genius!

Closet 7

Vanity on top, clothes at the bottom. I’m feeling this layout.

Closet 8

Another beautiful and clean accessory/makeup storage using display trays.

Closet 9

Show off your few favorite pieces.

Closet 10

Decluttered. Simple. White. It’s all I ever dream of.

closet with mirror

Gold floor mirrors make my heart flutter.


Saving the best for last. I can live here. Nuff said.

In Instagram news- 1. new book for the coffee table #parisianchic 2. yesterday’s outfit 3. so glad to be home to my white kitchen 4. lunch at #kopies boston with the sis.Instagram_Le Zoe Musings

Happy Wednesday! You can do it, the weekend’s almost here!!

Kellie Van signature Le Zoe Musings


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