Green Tea Bobas { Homemade }

I did a recent post on Taro Bubble Tea, also know as ‘Bobas’ and have received a few requests on how to make it. This post shows you how to make Green Tea Bobas, one of my favorite flavors. It really is EASY AS PIE!

These are the dry ingredients. 

You can usually find these at Asian markets. 

Can you tell I have a problem w/ taking too many photos of the same things? I was going to post a close up of the sugar too but that would be an overkill. 

Hard boil the tapioca balls for 5 mins. Turn off the stove and let sit for another 5-10mins. When they’re done, the color gets much darker. They look like oversize black caviar. Rinse and strain quickly w/ cool water. This will prevent them from sticking together. 

Combine 1 cup soy milk (you can substitute for milk or cream), 1/2 tablespoon of green tea powder (can vary depending on how potent you want the flavor), 1/2 cup ice (can vary depending on how much slush you want), and 1 tablespoon sugar (can vary depending on your preference on sweetness). Blend and pour into a cup over the bobas. Easy, right?!

Bubble tea drinks usually come just plain over ice or as a smoothie. I prefer smoothies, so if you don’t, omit the ice blending part.

P.S. A peek at my shoes! 

Fresh blooms. ALWAYS!

And then I thought, why not just showcase the shoes?! You see, ideas emerge at any time. Sometimes, in the spur of the moment. 

Bubble teas are soo great for the warmer days. Super refreshing. Please go now and make some for yourself! 


Til next post, Kellie

28 thoughts on “Green Tea Bobas { Homemade }

  1. Nice post. I used to be checking constantly this blog and I am inspired! Extremely useful info specially the remaining part 🙂 I handle such info much. I was looking for this particular information for a very lengthy time. Thank you and good luck.


  2. Lovely photos! My kids and I love bobas. I had them with me yesterday, wondering Boston, and they had to make 2 stops at the favorite “bubble tea” place! I’ve been meaning to pick up some tapioca pearls and try making them. Thanks for the reminder, and the “in English” instruction in preparing the boba. Love your site and posts, by the way! Sheri (


  3. I love bubble tea. Though the last time I tried it at home, we couldn’t get the boba to stop shrinking every time we took them out…will have to try what you’re using!


  4. You’re amazing, you’ve done it again! Now to find out if my local Asian & Italian supermarket has these!!

    Now I’m craving all things Asian… yum cha (crispy greens and steamed bbq pork buns) and gap sticks (tom yum flavoured)… *mouthwatering*


  5. Reblogged this on Letty Bug and Salem Moon and commented:
    I love boba tea. Almost every shop that I visit uses cow’s milk to make them, though. They are so simple to make at home. It is even doable with a cute little girl in tow. Here is a simple recipe. Of course, everything is adaptable to preference. For example, I like my tea stronger, so I use one tablespoon of powdered green tea per cup of soy milk. Also, I don’t usually like my tea sweetened, so I omit the sugar. If I desire something a little sweeter, then I add a handful of blueberries. Extra antioxidants, fun purple color, and a summery feel. Love it.

    Another good idea, for picky children. Blend a few blueberries with their water or milk. A simple natural way to make drinking these items more colorful and fun, plus another serving of fruit. Yes! As always, make sure that your child is old enough and already used to blueberries before trying this. I imagine it working wonders for fussy 2-5 year-olds.


  6. Will have to check this out! I have several Asian markets in La Crosse, WI, but have not needed to shop there as the food coop usually has everything I would need. I love iced smoothies—-of any kind (especially made with soy!). It’s the shoes, though, that sold me!LOL! Always enjoy what’s goin’ on at your place….hugs, Doreen


  7. I have to say ive honestly never tried bobas before but now I feel that I must. Absolutely love the photography, and I feel your pain in the too many pics department. I take at least 10-15 shots of literally everything I take a pic of!


  8. Thanks for stopping in and checking out my blog… I’ve never tasted bubble tea but I absolutely love those shoes!! Great post and great blog in general… I look forward to seeing more!


  9. What a great recipe as I love the soy milk addition to the bobas tea. They have this kind of drink on about every street corner here in HK but you know that I have never tried it. Instead, I will try your recipe. By the way super cute shoes. Take care, BAM


  10. Looks delish! I love these drinks and my husband is obsessed w/ boba, so I had to send him the link to this 🙂 Making your own would be fab, as you can control how much sugar it has.


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