Tuesday Afternoon

Time flies. Each day I feel time starved. May is an extremely busy traveling mth for us- all exciting, family fun trips but will still be exhausting I’m sure especially w/ a 9 mth old (!). 

The cruise count down has begun! We are heading to Miami this weekend and taking my parents, Zoey, my newly engaged sis + her fiance on a cruise! There are many things that need to be done before we leave. 

I always have a to do list to keep me on task. It’s challenging being a mother and working on various projects simultaneously. Zoey is extremely clingy and needs my attention often. She’s currently peacefully napping and this gives me time to work on some things. And of course, while enjoying a hot cup of matcha soy milk w/ a dark chocolate dipped biscotto on this wet, gloomy Tuesday afternoon.

My organizing notebook- I jot EVERYTHING down in this notebook. Pretty soon, it will contain a list of things to pack for the cruise! For more organizing musings, check out my previous post, Organizing Ideas

Lots of froth on the steamed matcha soy milk. It’s not the same w/o it! 

How lovely are these tiny yellow tulips?!

Item #3 is important- send out mother’s day card to mom in law.

Fell in love w/ biscotti during our trip to Florence.

Lastly, arm swag of the day. 

Do you have a moment to yourself during the day to enjoy a cup of tea, coffee, ect?

‘Til next post, Kellie. 

19 thoughts on “Tuesday Afternoon

  1. beautiful blog and really nice use of depth of field on your photos! i was scrolling down admiring your pics when i saw the note of “to-do’s”! you totally reminded me to send out the mother’s day cards!!! thank you, thank you! I’m going to be a good daughter-in-law this year! 🙂 xox


  2. Those “To Do Lists” are crucial. I’m just a student but I won’t survive without them ;). Amazing pictures Kellie!



  3. Great photos. You mentioned your notebook. There’s a computer pen by Livescribe. You write on special paper and upload all your notes to your computer. It’s the best of both worlds.


  4. Lovely post, I think I spend too much time enjoying tea to myself :-\ also your photography skills are top notch. The colours and imagery are somehow uplifting, keep up the fabulous work!


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