Busy Little Bee.

Zoey is at the stage where she LOVES to roam and grab on anything in sight. Everything peaks her curiosity and it’s interesting to let her be for a few mins. and capture it all through my camera!

Earlier we went to the park and Zoey had a great time on the swing! We rushed home b/c like the previous days, it began to pour. These images were taken right when the sun peaked out again after the rain.

What stage is your baby at? I’m soo looking forward to Zoey’s first independent steps.

‘Til next post, Kellie.

16 thoughts on “Busy Little Bee.

  1. Naw I have a Zoey too and she’s a big bag of mischief although aren’t all 18 mth olds? Fantastic photos, I’ve never thought to show my kids like that but it looks great!


  2. Great shots of a very-focused Zoey as she tries to get that magazine! Am a safe to assume that she is at the “What will happen if I do THIS?” stage? She is adorable! By the way, this is my first visit to your blog, and I LOVE IT! Can’t wait to delve into it further!


  3. She is the cutest Kellie! Love her shoes too, they have the prettiest things for girls. Boys on the other hand….checkers and plaids. I have two boys, a six years old and an extremely active eight month old.

    As always great pictures


  4. Love your beautiful photos. I have 2 boys both growing up 19 and 13! Don’t wish any stage away of your child’s development, I found with my first I was always wanting him to start crawling, walking, talking etc, it’s only when I had my second I realised how precious each moment is and you want everything to be slowed down, they grow up too fast. Linda x


  5. My baby is at the same stage as beautiful Zoey. Crawling around, pulling herself up, walking with help. It’s so amazing to watch them find new things and explore.


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