Tuscany & Florence

Good Morning! My husband and I had a recent conversation about taking Zoey to Europe hopefully this September (when she can finally walk, fingers crossed!). This reminded me of our honeymoon visit to Tuscany + Florence. 

Yes, Tuscany is really that beautiful + serene! The rolling hills, olive trees, vineyards, etc. etc. etc. Just gorgeous!! Pictures can’t really depict the true experience and beauty of it all. 

Below is more like a photo gallery of our trip. 

We stayed at a couple of places in Tuscany and Podere Dell Anselmo was one of them. I highly recommend this place if you go to Tuscany. It’s in the heart of the rolling hills and has its own vineyard which you’ll see in some of the pictures below. 

I love all the brilliant colors of the villas. 

Rows and rows of grape vines. September is a good time to go b/c the summer vacation rush is over. This translates to cheaper ticket fares, perfect weather, less craziness due to less tourists, + it’s time to harvest the grapes. 

I have to admit, I stole some and they were so worth it!

My husband took these next couple of shots. This was when the sun was just beginning to rise. 

How peaceful is this?! Can you wake up to this view every morning?

This was where we had the 5 hr long dinners. I can’t believe that it takes that long to eat dinner but it’s a custom to do this in Italy. Where do you find the time? I’m not complaining, just wondering. Of course the dinners were delightful! They also offered cooking classes so you basically ate what you cook that night. 

Checking work emails!

Ah- I remember this spot. I took a little nap here. The weather was PERFECT. Sunny but not steaming hot. The little bushes made great shades. It reminded me of those carefree summer days (of my childhood) when I would watch my mom cut and dry her own vegetables outside. Not sure how it relates, but the carefree feeling felt the same. 

During our stay, we drove to Florence. This little town was where we stopped along the way.

Shoe shop.

The heart of Florence. Lively + vibrant, full of life!

I’m not sure whether Romeo + Juliet was based on a true story, but this place was somehow connected to Romeo + Juliet. Perhaps a film based on the story was filmed here? Not sure…

Lunch in Florence. 

The architect here was MAGNIFICENT! So much details. 

We stayed until sunset. 

Before leaving, we stopped by a local market to get some ingredients for dinner. These are Porcini mushrooms. My husband LOVES Porcini. Not sure how much we bought them for but they are relatively one of the more expensive mushrooms in the states. 


Another love of ours – truffles. 

What’s for dinner? Pasta, Porcini mushrooms, + truffles. DELISH!

We had this little kitchen in our room. This should be standard everywhere b/c we love to buy local food and cook them while on trips. What better way to truly experience the places that you visit?

Of course, my husband was the cook of the night. 

Working from half way around the world + cooking at the same time. Talk about multi-tasking!

We are not drinkers so I can’t appreciate good wine. Unless they’re sweet, like Plum wine (which I LOVE), they all taste like rubbing alcohol to me. This wine was made there straight from their vineyards. I recall that it was extremely strong. We didn’t enjoy it.

Dinner was so hearty and yummy!

Hope you enjoyed reliving the Tuscany + Florence moments w/ me!

Have you been to Italy, if so where’s your favorite place? Please share!

Til next post, Kellie

33 thoughts on “Tuscany & Florence

  1. Hi Kellie, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on the vintage mosaics. Italy is definitely mosaic heaven. What a great trip! beautiful photos and how wonderful to travel with your little girl!


  2. Gorgeous photos. I studied fine art for a semester whilst in Florence, absolutely wonderful place to study. It remains my favourite place in Italy (I traveled extensively through the country whilst living there). Siena and Perugia were also high on my list, along with Cinque Terre. I would love to return to Venice, as I was there during Carnevale and wasn’t able to enjoy the architecture through the crowds.


  3. Truly lovely pics! what a great trip! Just one comment, the The heart of Florence. Lively + vibrant, full of life! pic is actually Piazza del Campo in Siena…not that it matters as both are equally lovely! I think Italy should be on everyone’s agenda!


  4. Whoa, these photos are truly beautiful, and since I can not travel to Europe right now (one can dream! hehe) Photos are all I have to look at, thank you for sharing!


  5. The pictures are absolutely gorgeous! I’ve been to a Florence quite a number of years ago and I absolutely love the city!! It’s just so… gorgeous yet peaceful!

    And oh boy… those pictures of Tuscany… it looks like heaven on earth! I am so tempted to book a flight ticket now and fly there and live there forever! If only…

    Great post!


  6. Even after living in Europe for three years, I have yet to make it to beautiful Italia!

    Thank you for the luscious peek here…I adore those custom oxford shoes and the rust/marigold colour scheme everyone seems to have gotten the memo about. Lush.


  7. Great photos !! I love Firenze 🙂 It’s one of my favourite cities in the world, even better my fiancé comes from the Tuscany region and the last summer we did a road trip all the way to Sienna through the rolling hills of Tuscany. It was pure bliss 🙂 One more place you guys might enjoy visiting in Italy is La Maddalena. One of the beautiful islands in Sardenia. Perfect for summer holidays :))

    Great post dear!!


  8. I must admit, I’m with fiercebuddhist. Unless you can afford a Nanny, leave bubba at home. Use the opportunity to renew your vows as a second honeymoon. Take lots of really good pix that mean something and take notes (you won’t remember…trust me!), and visit all the wonderful artisan shops in the Ponte Vecchio and the good restaurants in the hills just outside Florence. Best to you,


  9. We went to Tuscany and also the Amalfi Coast & Rome. All were special in their own way. Your trip looked great! I love Florence.


  10. Florence….Tuscany…sigh. I love your photos..they tell a story. I loved Florence especially at sunset. We didn’t get to really explore deep into Tuscany (that’s another trip in the future:) but we visited Cinque Terra which you posted about earlier. I’ve been to Rome twice and well all roads in the end lead to Roma and I would go back in a heart beat even though its super busy but so much to see. My favourite place that we visited twice in one trip was Venice….especially during the time of day when the tourists have gotten on the cruise ships and left. So peaceful and romantic. St Mark’s Square at night…dancing in the square…having a glass of wine as each cafe has an orchestra and play music cafe at a time in a mini duel and folks just waltz under the stars.

    Where I’d like to visit is the Amalfi Coast especially Positano and also the Lake district near Milan. I think its time I packed the kids and got traveling again don’t you think?


  11. Beautiful photos! 🙂 Seeing all your shots made me miss our trip to Italy. Just seeing those same spots like the golden tablet etchings and the beautiful bright colors of the buildings. Ah, miss it so much.


  12. If you go, go for yourself and husband. We took our now eight year old all over the world. When asked if she remembers anything about it “No daddy I don’t”.
    We feel that exposing her to new and interesting things, places, sights and smells helped her brain develop but so far no study has proven this assumption to be correct.
    So go and enjoy it AND take lots of photos as proof so she believes you later. 😉


  13. Italy is beautiful! We’re lucky to live quite nearby, and we’re going to Rome next week for a quick getaway! If you ever get the chance, go to Sicily in summer. We went there a couple of summers ago, and we’re going again next summer. Each village is so charming and the food is delicious. We’re planning to go without C – it’ll be our short break 🙂 I think the short village you stopped at before Florence, is San Gimignano? Anyways, the whole of Italy is beautiful!


  14. We are actually leaving for Amsterda & Paris tomorrow with our 20 month old. In about 2 weeks I will be blogging about how it went 🙂 Not sure where you are flying from, we will be flying out of Newark and it will be 8.5 hours to get there. With Ben on our lap. Praying he sleeps!

    Gorgeous pictures…I can’t wait to explore more of Europe!


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