Vietnamese Springrolls

Can’t believe I haven’t done a spring roll post yet! We usually enjoy this healthy dish almost once a month. And a lot more often during the summer and spring time with greens and herbs from our garden. This is a great option for those of you who crave a healthy and easy meal.

Desperate for an internal cleansing for the New Yr? Spring rolls are the perfect solution!

Once again, a step by step photo tutorial.

spring rolls98Typical Vietnamese spring roll ingredients consist of pork, shrimp, herbs, bean sprouts, romaine lettuce, cucumber, and small rice noodles. In this post, I actually omitted most of those ingredients and substituted with what we had in the fridge. Truth is, spring rolls can be filled with ANY ingredients you choose. That’s the fun part. 

spring rollsI wanted my spring rolls to be extremely healthy, light, and colorful. 

spring rolls5You can easily find these at any Oriental market. Nowadays, your usual American grocery stores may also carry them. 

spring rolls3

Don’t overboil your shrimps b/c they’ll get too rubbery. 

spring rolls6Our spring roll wrapper dipper is a short rectangular vase from Ikea (ingenious!). You can also use a round pan filled with warm water and it’ll work just as well (instead of dipping the wrapper vertically, with the pan, you’ll dip it horizontally)

spring rolls99Dip the wrapper for about 2 seconds (make sure it’s fully submerged, rotate if needed). I don’t understand why most recipes suggest dipping for a few minutes. Any longer than a few seconds, the wrapper gets way too soggy and/or tear. Once you take it out from dipping, it’ll continue to soak and get more pliable and sticky. 

spring rolls9Once you finish adding all the ingredients and ready to roll, the wrapper will be fairly sticky to the plate making it harder to separate the two. Overhanging the edge of the wrapper will help later on when you begin to roll.

spring rolls91A shrimp for each spring roll.

spring rolls92This way, you’ll see the shrimp once you finish rolling! 

spring rolls2LOVE basil. 

spring rolls93Starfruit slices top the layer. 

spring rolls94Just like making eggrolls, tuck in the two sides midway. Do you see how the spring roll wrapper is stuck to the plate like almost second skin? This is how sticky it can get. 

spring rolls4

If not eaten right away, place a warm paper towel over them to prevent the spring rolls from drying out. 

spring rolls95How refreshing and yummo do these look?! They’ll brighten any gray winter day. 

spring rolls97Arugula, avocado, green apples, and parsley are other ingredients that would be yummy in a spring roll. 

spring rolls96Also, most spring rolls are dipped in a peanut sauce. However, I made a chili garlic fish sauce which is very popular in both Vietnamese and Thai cuisines. 

Sauce recipe:

1. In a small bowl, add a tablespoon of boiling water and a teaspoon of sugar, stir to dissolve the sugar 2. Add a tablespoon of fish sauce 3. Squeeze in 1/3 lime/lemon juice 4. Add one minced glove of garlic 5. Add one minced Thai chili pepper 6. Mix well and serve

(You can alter measurements base on preference)

Hope you’ll try these out!


40 thoughts on “Vietnamese Springrolls

  1. You have such beautiful food photography. I’m trying to learn. 🙂
    Thanks for the interesting spring roll idea. I’ve never put starfruit it in before. I usually do shrimp, rice noodle, and greens.


  2. Thanks for this recipe and step-by-step photos! I love spring rolls but have never been brave enough to try to make them. I even had the wrappers in my hands at the grocery store today but put them back. Next trip, I’ll get them and some fun filling. Thanks for the inspiration!


  3. what an awesome step-by-step. Photos are great and I love that you included starfruit–fun! I was taught once in a class that some wrappers tend to be “stickier” than others, depending on the flour types they’re made of. Thinking they said to look for brands that also contain tapioca flour in addition to the rice flour. ??? Seeing as how you look to be an Expert :-), would you agree? Appreciate you stopping by foodforfun for Cocktail Inspiration. Fun to see you again.


  4. Ah these look so delicious! I’ve always wanted to try and make Vietnamese spring rolls! You may have just given me the motivation to do it! Oh and thanks for stopping by and following my blog! =)


  5. Thank you so much Kellie for this post! It actually came right on time as my co-worker brought me a whole thing of springroll wrappers! Now, thanks to you, I know how to properly prepare a springroll! Thank You!


  6. Fantastic photos! I love spring rolls, but I’ve always been intimidated by them. Your recipe/instructions make me wonder why I’ve been afraid. I’m definitely going to try and make them soon. Thanks! 🙂


  7. wow never thought about this before but yes, Vietnamese rolls are super yummy and healthy. I think I’m going to have to try this. 😀


  8. Looks so yummy!! 🙂 Im definitely going to try this 🙂
    And just have to say, you are so pretty!! 🙂


  9. So pretty and fresh looking. I have some spring roll wrappers in my cabinet and I was just talking to a friend about making some.


  10. Yum. I’m craving these now! My few attempts have failed to work, due to the rice paper disintegrating or too dry. I shall try your recipe. Great post!


  11. I have the ingredients and have been wanting to make spring rolls for the first time for a few weeks. This lovely step-by-step picture tutorial gave me the confidence to tackle it! I made mine with shrimp, lettuce, shredded carrots, shredded red cabbage, and avocado. Delish! I opted for a peanut sauce this time, but am going to try your sauce the next time around.


  12. Deeeelicious! Your posts always make me wanna tidy my house / cook some nice food hehe true inspiration for the everyday woman xx


  13. Brilliant! We love fresh spring rolls and your recipe is so much easier than mine. With this recipe, I can do them more regularly! Thank you:-)


    1. Hi Mary- Thanks!! The lens is Tamron SP AF Aspherical XR Di (IF) 29-75mm 1:2.8 Macro 67. There you have it! Not that I know what any of those numbers mean! I just point and shoot!!


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